Trump thinks he’s more beautiful than Kamala

Trump thinks he’s more beautiful than Kamala

Posted by hearsdemons

  1. He has never updates a fact since 1985 so he think he still looks like he did back then. 

  2. This is what’s on his “mind” and tens of millions of Americans will still vote for him.

  3. Even if he was attractive, comparing your looks to a woman’s is fucking weird

  4. Thus, says the “very stable genius” that American Republicans voted for twice!

  5. I wouldn’t even sit across from him while he ate a meal let alone let him come near me with ANY of his body parts. He is a gross old man whom his own wife is disgusted by. First of all he talked about his 1 year old baby having nice legs and breasts. Looks aside he is a foul human and just looking at him turns me off

  6. I don’t remember the year, but Kamala Harris was once one of the Hot 100 of Maxim Magazine. Trump could be centerfold for festering pustules of filth.

  7. I’m really tired of these comments. We’re electing a president, looks shouldn’t be part of the conversation. I’m voting for Kamala because she represents everything I want for America.

  8. I can understand why he thinks he’s beautiful, he’s constantly got a bunch of guys that want to lick his anus.

  9. Hey, you narcissistic fuckstick, how about you tell us how you’re going to “fix” the country in a way that doesn’t line you and your cronies bank accounts!

  10. 🤣I’m just curious about the name of the magazine that he had Stormy hit his butt with🙃

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