Drohne trifft Öldepot in der russischen Oblast Rostow

Drohne trifft Öldepot in der russischen Oblast Rostow


  1. Good news. Yet another embrassing moment for the Russian military and Putin.

  2. >According to Golubev, Russian air defense units repelled the drone attack, but falling debris struck an industrial warehouse and caused a diesel fuel fire.

    They ‘repelled’ the drone attack…that still set the place on fire? Umm…

  3. I have to assume that the whole world (China and the US included) must be terrified at how much of a resistance a VASTLY inferior force can put up against a massive army.

    Don’t get me wrong, I know the Russian army is ass because of corruption. But still, by all accounts they’re better in almost every way from a military perspective (perhaps not skill tho lol).

  4. High explosives are one thing, but seemingly nothing can match the destructive power of debris. In a major technological escalation, arms manufacturers are now incorporating debris into all their missiles and bombs. /s

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