Mother who had threesome with two 13-year-old schoolboys in her son’s bedroom while he was in class is jailed for four years

Mother who had threesome with two 13-year-old schoolboys in her son’s bedroom while he was in class is jailed for four years

by Aggressive_Plates

  1. I remember a pedophile raping a couple of young girls a while back.

    Pretty sure it wasn’t called a threesome.

  2. FOUR years? For molesting two 13 year olds? Isn’t the sentence for murder like 25 years on average?

  3. I’m very surprised the victims are not prosecuted for revenge porn or something.

  4. PEADOPHILE jailed for sexual abuse of two young boys. Jailed only for a disgracefull 4 years.
    Fixed it

  5. Obligatory ‘if the roles were reversed ‘ comment. Fr thought this is disgusting beyond comparison.

  6. Four years for grooming, abuse and rape? She deserves a lot longer than that (is she even going to end up on a list?)

    She’s a Nonce

  7. She’s a dirty nonce, a pedophile, a rapist, a vile human – the list goes on… if this were the other way around and it was a man and 2 girls he would be all those things – this is the same! Karma will come

  8. Remember folks, if you’re a female in the UK, you can fuck anyone and get a light sentance.

    Especially female teachers.

    Yet numerous men commit suicide through vile accusations and are often treated as guilty, even after being proven innocent.

  9. So the daily mail writes another rage bait headline that OP decides they must post because they want to see the reaction of the sub to it, which of course is all rage because the mail has made everyone want to be angry. Is any of this really necessary?

    This is a horrific crime and she deserves her punishment. But the Mail is choosing to phrase this in a way that downplays the crime, makes it sound like it was all a bit of naughty fun and that’s really shitty reporting. It was sexual assault. By using terms like this they seem to also be implying to people that the police/CPS also have downplayed it. People are making assumptions she won’t be on the sex offender register etc. But that’s down to the mails shit reporting and the sub users reactions rather than necessarily any of it being based on facts.

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