Trump supporters are carrying around a pretend jar of JD Vance’s jizz to mock Democrats that are unable to conceive children.

Trump supporters are carrying around a pretend jar of JD Vance’s jizz to mock Democrats that are unable to conceive children.

Posted by JulietAlfaTango

  1. I wonder how much they’re selling those stupid things for. Whoever cooked this one up must be making bank, it can’t cost more than $1 to slap a crappy sticker on a bit of empty of plastic.


    They must have been milking the guy 24/7 just to meet demand. He must be a shrivelled, over-stimulated husk by now.

  3. Did all these people grow up in homes eating lead paint chip with lead water pipes?

  4. I think these stupid fucks are really leaning into “weird” like it’s a badge of honor.

  5. Yikes!!

    I thought the diapers were weird but this is just going to get worse, isn’t it?

  6. We used to say that the person drank the Kool-Aid for this kind of stuff. I don’t know what this is.

  7. Extraction method is couched in secrecy.

    MAGA Jesus: He without jizz cast the first yank.

  8. Republican ‘Christians’ who oppose birth control are literally pretending to give away cups of semen? Can the Republican Party get any stupider?

  9. How is this even a joke that makes any sense? Do they not know that most infertile men still produce semen? So fucking weird.

  10. I’m not sure I understand this prop. Are they claiming that the reason families are in decline is because of lack of jizz?

  11. She looks post-menopausal. According to JD, shouldn’t she be home taking care of her grandchildren? That’s the only thing she’s good for, right? /s

  12. Would love to walk around and remind these dumbasses that their other hero Rush Limbaugh had no children.

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