Kamala Harris leading Trump in state he won twice—Most accurate pollster

lol trump is going to lose BIG TIME


Posted by yurinacult

  1. I dont think he’s going to lose BIG TIME but I do think he’s going to lose. Everything individually can be seen as anecdotal but a trend is a flurry of anecdotes that match.

  2. Arguing that the polling is flawed ignores the trends. Which are all bad for the felon.

  3. I don’t believe Nevada is leaning Trump. Every time the pollers underestimate the Democrats in that state, they show up.

  4. People are tired of little donnie, Kamala is a triple hit, she stirs up the base, gathers independents, and is flipping republicans, her victory will be glorious 

  5. Here’s my take. Trumpity Dumpity is falling hard. He’s clearly in full dementia.

    Come 11/5 Kamala will own it and down ballot. Some states like NC and maybe Fl will flip. The GOP will disintegrate. Democrats need to stomp out what’s left and take back our rightful place as leader of the free world.

    Oh. And lock him up.

  6. Don’t fool yourself. This will be VERY CLOSE. Racists and misogynists will both come out…

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