Average baguette in 1945… What have we become ?

Average baguette in 1945… What have we become ?

by miragen125

  1. It’s the prices my man . What’s the point of such a baguette if a small tub of garlic butter costs you an arm and a leg.

  2. When we started living together (me and my gf) we decided to do a cheese and wine evening. So she went ahead and ordered 6 baguettes for the evening in question at our local bakery (thinking it was the standard 40-50cm ones). We invited 6 other guests so 8 in total, a litle overbought but better have enough than to run out. Turns out this bakery sells their baguette 20 cm wide and 1.20 meter long. Needless to say we had baguettes for days…

    Apparently some bakeries still deliver on the baguettes.

  3. > gets a paper sleeve for the baguette but doesn’t use it

    > ~~4~~ at least 5 bottles of wine

    Truly the Frenchiest picture I’ve ever seen

  4. During the occupation the French were barred from owning weapons and so they took to carrying around overly long baguettes for protection.

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