Philippinen erklären China: US-Raketen stellen keine Bedrohung dar

Philippinen erklären China: US-Raketen stellen keine Bedrohung dar

  1. China did this to themselves. Trying to bully your neighbors, attacking their vessels, claiming most of the South China Sea only encourages them to antagonize you back while arming themselves to the teeth.

    China going to find out the hard way why being in good relations with your neighbors is so important.

    *fixed typo

  2. Go look up China/CCP’s world map, it’s drastically different from the rest of the world. They constantly rewrite history and changed claimed territories. They think they own all of the ocean south and south east of China it’s ridiculous.

  3. Awesome work by Wolf Warrior Xi to drive China’s neighbors into the arms of the US by being dicks to everyone. If they’d kept it cool and been better neighbors for a bit longer they might have had the influence in the region they’re so desperate for.

  4. Its only a threat if China plans to go to war which is obviously unlikely since we all know that China is a very “peaceful” country.

  5. I appreciate the Philippine’s passive aggression in their response. “There’s nothing to worry about. We’re just testing to see how easily a missile battery can be air lifted into position and be fully operational. It’s not like anyone actually *fired* one of the missiles “

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