Young Russian Conscript crying and asking for his mother to get him home after being taken prisoner during Ukraines Special Military Operation (SMO)

Young Russian Conscript crying and asking for his mother to get him home after being taken prisoner during Ukraines Special Military Operation (SMO)

by NATO_Will_Prevail

  1. Transcript:

    “Mom, I really want to go home. Write to Putin, write to the Minister of Defense so that they get us out, don’t send conscripts to the front lines. We have a long life ahead of us.”

  2. This is actually sad. The very young conscripts have no choice. But then again, a whole new generation will grow up to be haters of Putinism, which is a good thing,

  3. Brainwashed idiots. “Write to putin” wah wah. Fking Lucky he’s still breathing.

  4. Pathetic, and instructive. As support for the war in Vietnam collapsed, tens of thousands of young Americans delivered similar messages to their parents and friends. Word finally swamped Washington, and the pro-war constituency disappeared.

  5. …..meanwhile…..Putler sips his Champagne and tells his server it’s too warm…..take it back.

  6. I bit he was very exited when he was told that he had the opportunity to kill innocent Ukrainian children women and all civilians !!

  7. Well… At least he’s more humble than the Akhmat trash the Ukrainians captured…

    “Trade me for Azov fighters.”… As if you’re the equivalent of those brave warriors!

  8. Let him watch Netflix, play some console games to console him.
    Give him McDonald’s happy meal for lunch every day.

  9. So, frontline troops don’t, or you just don’t care about them since they are not from St. Petersburg or Moskva? They can be killed in meatmave attacks?
    How about: tell putler to stop sending humans to their deaths and withdraw from Ukraine? Something like this, No? Then F you, you get what you deserve

  10. Write to putin? What for? He’s the one who sent you there. He did it on purpose. Your parents and grandparents sold you out, decades of complacency for fear of getting involved. Your fellow russians are quiet. They don’t care that you’re fighting a pointless war, they’re just happy to stay uninvolved and unnoticed. The problem is of course, when it’s finally their turn no one will stand up for them. 

    Hopefully you russians wake up soon.

  11. “Sorry Volodya, but our dear leader Vladimir Vladimirovich promised us new Lada and a bag of potatoes, don’t be a bitch and go fight.”

  12. Stupid young conscripts, against seasoned and experienced fighters, fair exchange.

  13. Translation: “Mama please write to the person who started this war, so that I can be sent back to Ukraine”.

    What a bunch of pathetic clowns. Fight for your freedom instead of killing Ukrainians clown.

  14. thing is the little shit would be first in line for rape ,murder and looting if it ever got into Ukraine

  15. Oh my sweet summer’s child. He thinks that even IF they care about him then he’s going home.

    Bitch is going straight back to the front line if he gets exchanged.

  16. What does Putin has to do for the russians to realise that the russian people is the last thing he cares about. He does not give a fuck about any of your problems. You can write, you can make video appeals with the whole village begging on their knees.

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