Help us find Oreo – Stolen Dog

This young woman, took our dog on Old Brompton Road, walked him along the road and was joined by a young man in the vicinity of The Drayton Arms pub (153 Old Brompton Road). He may have been drinking outside there. All three continued along the road, heading towards Earls Court.

On video we have seen Oreo was visibly pulling and protesting, and on the bus where they were seen later he was described as scratching, pulling and complaining.

If you recall seeing them anywhere, please let us know. Thank you so much for reading.

by ajhhall

  1. I’m sorry to hear this – I live in south east but will definitely keep an eye out for Oreo!

  2. Keep an eye on the details on his chip, I’d heard of people having stolen dogs and changing the details on the chip.

  3. I saw your poster yesterday on the road and my 5 yo daughter asked me why would someone steal a doggie? Found it hard to explain to her. I really hope you get Oreo back quickly.

  4. Have you posted on the “Nextdoor” app? The app is specific to neighbourhood and you can reach a decent amount of people that way

  5. Just adding I’m in Croydon and will look out for Oreo. Scumbags and I can’t believe how you must feel now.

  6. Can you upload anymore pictures of him? I work in Belgravia at the moment and am in Victoria often so will look out.

  7. Maybe adding a side picture of Oreo to see his coat colors might make it easier to identify.

    Sorry that this happened, still can’t believe someone would steal a dog.

  8. Have you contacted Battersea dogs homes lost dogs and cats service? They will probably refer you to the police as it’s stolen but can still register in their system. Also alert RSPCA in case the couple decide to abandon Oreo (same with Battersea). I used to work the lost dogs and cats line and it has a pretty decent reach. I would also recommend sharing widely on Facebook if you can, and contacting as many veterinary practices and notifying them, in case the dog is brought in either as a stray or to have its chip checked/health check. Good luck and I’m very sorry this has happened to you, it is a big fear of any loving dog owner and a disgraceful thing for someone to do to another.

    Edit: keep an eye on Gumtree and pets4homes, as well as other resale pet sites. Stay strong.

  9. Can you imagine the lack of empathy required to do this? Both for Oreo and the family. I can’t.

    I hope you get justice.

  10. Do you have the actual video to post? Sometimes seeing how someone walks can trigger a memory that a blurry still would not.

  11. Gonna comment to boost visibility. And I really hope Oreo is returned home soon, let’s just hope when the thieves are caught. They get a lot more then the book thrown at em

  12. Sharing the poster to my dogs instagram as we’ve lots of dog walkers / owners around London – fingers crossed & hoping Oreo is found soon it’s just awful 🙁

  13. The more comments we add, the higher up the list this will go. Please can EVERYBODY help here – I cannot believe just how horrible human beings can be.

  14. Oh this is so horrible, that little dog just walking along with no clue what’s happening >< really hope he gets returned/found/recovered

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