Possibly the most loathed piece of furniture in every British childhood? Letting you know exactly where you are in the pecking order for generations!

Possibly the most loathed piece of furniture in every British childhood? Letting you know exactly where you are in the pecking order for generations!

by johnsmithoncemore

  1. Oh yeah the perks of being year 6 , finally not getting dead legs by sitting on the floor for assembly.

  2. We used these for pe once to jump over them, of course I was the one that somehow managed to cut my leg on the blunt wooden bench…

  3. The worst feeling was being the poor twat stuck on the end with one arse cheek hanging off the edge

  4. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t peel that coating off the metal hooks at the ends

  5. Literally got arrested for burning one of these with a lighter.

    My school had an on-campus police officer (it just saved them time) and they even had an office on campus; a fact I found out after finding him standing over me while I was cackling with a lighter in-hand trying to destroy this detestable piece of furniture.

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