The Greggs 6 slice pizza box is banging.

The Greggs 6 slice pizza box is banging.

by gibgod

  1. We used to get a tray at work between 3 of us. Bargain for £8. We stopped after a few weeks as the sauce always seemed REALLY sugary sweet for some reason.

  2. More importantly, I didn’t know they did a pizza with jalapeño and vegetables. I thought it was just pepperoni on offer. I’ll be visiting Greggs again soon, thank you greatly!

  3. Is it banging though? Looks like school dinners.

    Could get a better pizza for 8 quid practically anywhere.

    Greggs is only there so you can stay alive for about 3 quid, it’s not *really* good food

  4. I’ve only tried it once but it was really weirdly sweet. It was almost like pizza cake.

  5. I’m not opposed to these in a pinch but when I start to need 6 of them I’m gonna look at my pizza options more seriously and won’t want Greggs. 

  6. Tried these about 3-4 times now and the dough is always undercooked… 😣 only thing not quite bang on

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