The headquarters of “Deutsches Institut für Normung”

The headquarters of “Deutsches Institut für Normung”

by danie-l

  1. Bless the Institute and its DIN norms. Bless the coming and going of it. May Its passage norm the world. May It keep the norm for Its people.

  2. This is the real power center of Germany, I’m no expert in the matter, but there is a DIN-Norm for political activity, right?

  3. As much as is love all the Norms, I hate that you have to pay for them to acutally read them. I mean if you want the world to comply for your norms, then make it free and easy to obtain them…

  4. As a german architect, I am not as uncritical of DIN as some of you seem to be. There is still the “Stand der Technik”, the “state of the art” here in Germany, which may overwrite DIN. Planning according to DIN does not mean planning correctly…unfortunately. As an architect in Germany, you’re just f**ed.

  5. Apparently they didn’t follow their own Standards when the installed their new climate control system.

  6. I have had this half-baked plot in my head for years now where the DIN becomes a dystopian global force of a technocratic world government.

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