Ukrainians found a paralyzed grandmother that the russians abandoned and helped her.

Ukrainians found a paralyzed grandmother that the russians abandoned and helped her.

by TotalSpaceNut

  1. Abandonement is the smallest issue. I know elderly people get frail and all, but she looks downright neglected.

  2. Ukrainian soldiers are honorable men. Unlike Orcs. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇺🇸

  3. Kids high chair… Looks like the family ran with the kids and left old granny here to die.

  4. Ive seen a lot of terrible videos on the internet but this video is one of the saddest videos Ive seen. Poor lady. Glad she was found.

  5. “We’re not russian, we won’t leave you like your compatriots left you”

    That’s the difference. Imagine leaving your frail, emaciated mother like that.

  6. bro this sht sums it up pretty well.

    -yo, what do we do with granny? she cant move

    -fak her, leave her, she aint got much life left anyways.


  7. This is so sad. I hope she is able to recover and at least die with some dignity and care

  8. Fucking hell that’s rough to watch. The humanitarian effect is a burden and not one Russia bothers with in their occupied areas, hopefully Ukraine gets enough people and supplies in to help.

  9. That, right there, is heartbreaking. So glad the humanity of Ukraine got to her in time.

  10. She might be suffering from dementia if she declares that they are dead but can’t say where or how.

    I guess they left her and she concluded that they must have died, because they wouldn’t have left her.

    To be charitable, they may have planned to evacuate kids first and go back for her, then decided against it for various reasons.

  11. Imagine you have to defend your country against invaders who rape, kidnap and murder. And additionally you have to provide for the weakest citizens of those invading country. This is crazy.

    We as europeans should get our shit together and help ukraine with whatever we got. FFS.

  12. It goes to show not only the humanity but the professionalism of the AFU who’ve advanced into Russia, they actually check on the most vunerable civilians left behind and get help for people like her. It makes a significant difference as well as the local population will be far less hostile if not completely indifferent to them being there as they know they’ll be left in peace.

  13. First, Ukraine offers assistance to Russian civilians left behind—like this older woman—by evacuating them to Ukrainian territory for medical care. In response, Russia will accuse 🇺🇦 of kidnapping its citizens. What a twisted game!
    The war will only end when the sons of Moscow’s elites, and some within the military leadership, start dying on the frontlines. Until then, it will be the sons of voiceless, impoverished Russian families who perish, and the war will go on. #SlavaUkraini!”

  14. There’s a high chair there, she must have had some family coming round with young kids to look after her. Where the fuck did they go? Russia evacuate them and leave her behind?

  15. Animals and old people are my weak spot..

    If this was an ukrainian lady and russian soldier, we’d be lucky if theres just a video of a “mercy shot”.

  16. She is too skinny in a home that is too clean, she was being neglected before here family left.

  17. Most of these men know that there are a lot of people in this area who are ethnic Ukrainians who speak Ukrainian. Besides, these guys are not murderers. They are cooks, drivers, musicians, blue collar, and white collar. Fighting for their land, people, and culture. They are religious and educated. I have a great respect for the Ukrainian people. SLAVA UKRAINE 🇺🇦 🇺🇸

  18. I hope she is taken care of. This breaks my heart. I don’t want to live in a world where our grannies aren’t cared for.

  19. Such a sad sight, and what a terrible fate for anyone. At this rate, it will be Ukraine who liberates Russians. They clearly need it.

  20. Family kept her barely alive just to take her government pension? 😢 When they were at risk, they just dumped her ?

  21. Just imagine getting left behind by your own family. And she looks definitely neglected and emaciated. I hope this old lady is going to be okay.

  22. I hope they followed up with her. The fighting force of Ukraine has been amazing. Leave no one behind.

  23. We are not Russian,

    I am Russian,

    We are not Russian we won’t leave you like your compatriots.

    He could have left her and nobody would have know, yet he still decided to do the right thing and help another human being.

  24. In this part of the world, that’d be considered elder abuse. All the physically capable adults there would be facing sentences of 2-3 years. If she passed as a result of the neglect, that’s manslaughter.

    In Russia I expect she’s considered fertiliser-in-waiting

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