‘Fund Bakerloo line extension with new trains to unlock new homes and economic boost’, No10 urged

‘Fund Bakerloo line extension with new trains to unlock new homes and economic boost’, No10 urged

by BulkyAccident

  1. It’s maddening that the government won’t just let London do value capture on its own so that we can get the infrastructure we need without it becoming a political mess after slagging London off for getting “too much” investment and not having it on their books anyway.

  2. Right now the government are looking for a mix of easy wins and urgent action needed. They want to be seen to be delivering positive change now, as well as addressing problem areas.

    As much as this would provide benefit, it would be decades away, so falls way down on the priority list. Though investment in infrastructure is something that regularly falls down the priority list through successive governments of every party.

  3. The best thing would’ve been to start this following cross rail and the all the skilled workers would’ve transferred across.

    Construction personnel already have reduced rates after the completion of cross rail took a lot of the wind out of the market.

  4. Yes please. We desperately need the tube in Southeast London. Unlike buses, the tube actually generates profit for TFL, so money shouldn’t be an issue either.

    And the trains on the Bakerloo line are practically falling apart.

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