SNP to let council tax rip as spending freeze bites

SNP to let council tax rip as spending freeze bites

by CaptainCrash86

  1. If they remove the “no compulsory redundancies” policy, and that cascades down to local authorities, be prepared for council services to become worse, more expensive, or both.

  2. Watch all the people who moaned about the council tax freeze suddenly howl at higher council tax. No winning really, is there?

  3. I absolutely would not advocate for this, but I wonder if they’ve thought about using the [£17bn local government pension scheme surplus?](,%C2%A317.2bn%20in%202023.)

    This would not be straightforward, but given how well funded the schemes are (from member contributions and public sector employer contributions), with the guarantees that come from government, it should be possible to release some. At the very least, council contributions could be cut and that would ease funding pressure.

    Like I say, I wouldn’t advocate for this. But that’s a lot of money not being used to avoid unpleasant decisions, and actuaries aren’t known for their public relations prowess.

  4. May be correctly taxing corporations and ultra wealthy to pay for services would take the pressure off a bit.

  5. Seems pretty thin for a story. The freeze always had to be abandoned at some point and all the have is one unnamed source saying it will be allowed “to let rip”

  6. >Critics, including many within the SNP, believe it was fiscally incoherent to freeze council tax rates before raising income tax on higher earners.

    >“Watch for the reverse of last year,” said a senior SNP MSP. “There is no appetite for income tax increases, but councils will be able to let council tax rip.”

    Not ideal, but much better than what happened last year.

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