If you were making the ultimate British buffet, what’d be in it?

…and would it be proper retro working class style, or modern posh nosh? Or a mix of both?

by _lippykid

  1. Big plate of Gregg’s sausage rolls, big plate of Yorkshire pudding wraps with roast beef and ho’ray inside, big plate of “miniature” burgers that are as big as your fist, several Wotsits in bowls, a keg of Bisto gravy made with dripping and a hot trolley of apple crumble.

  2. Distinct lack of quiche in that buffet my friend. It isn’t a buffet or picnic without a bit of quiche.

  3. Bucket of vinegar with pickled onions floating around

    Baked potatoes in a lake of melted butter

  4. Crisps, quiche, sausage rolls, cocktail sausages, sandwich triangles (both white and brown), cheese cubes on a stick, decorative salad. 

  5. My mum is physically unable to put out a spread without a ridiculously sized plate of prawn vol-au-vents.

  6. Mini sausage rolls

    Cocktail sausages

    Chicken drumsticks


    Sandwiches/rolls with a variety of fillings

    A variety of bowls of crisps(ready salted normal crisps/pringles/doritos with associated dips etc)

    Vol au vents

    Garlic bread


    Perhaps a lasagne/chilli/spag bol

    Cheese and pickle on sticks

    Russian salad

    A platter of chicken nuggets/dippers

    Mini Scotch egg bites

    Loaded potato skins

    Party rings

    Mini cupcakes

    Mini Swiss rolls(both raspberry and chocolate ones

    Other mini/bite sized sweet items that I cannot think of right now

    And then at least a huge chocolate tray bake type cake to bring out later, ideally a proper cake tho

  7. Starter – Mini variants of picnic staples (scotch egg, pork pie, sausage roll). Make sure these are dry as fuck. A solitary cheese quiche for everyone to ignore. 3 litres of coleslaw that’s been sitting at room temp since Thursday last week.

    Main – Approximately 25 kilos of frozen food in 50pc bags, aka British Tapas, all of which can be cooked in 20mins in a 180*C fan-assisted oven. This should include multiple different formats of breaded chicken paste and potato at least 7 ways. Onion bhajis that taste like onion powder mixed with potting soil. 3 frozen pizzas – one cheese, one ham and pineapple, one pepperoni. The cheapest ones available, and no, I don’t care if there’s 30 people coming, we’re not getting any more, we don’t even like these people and uncle Alan eats it like it’s his last fucking meal every time anyway. A depressing looking “side salad”, which is 3 bags of mixed salad served without dressing in a mixing bowl. Everyone grabs 3 leaves out of peer pressure to pretend they’re thinking about their waistline.

    Dessert – Mini muffins that have less moisture than the surface of the sun, a warm trifle and a mint vienetta that hasn’t been out of the freezer since before Diana died. It’s ready to eat when the box disintigrates on touch and smells of fish fingers.

    All of this food is to be served on paper plates with all the structural rigidity of wet toilet paper. The good cutlery is not to be used, instead you have plastic knives and forks that shatter when looked at too hard. We recommend everyone takes 1 fork for each bite of food.

    Drinks – 2 pitchers of criminally watered down Ribena and orange squash. Ideally 1 shot of squash per bathtub of water. If you can still see any colour, add more water. 15 cans of Stella left in the sun to warm up all afternoon. 4 bottles of the cheapest prosecco this side of Hadrians wall, if it tastes like wine flavoured sparkling water you’re on the money.

  8. I went to a wedding where the wedding ‘cake’ was a 3 tier pork pie. Progress.

  9. Where’s the coronation chicken? Also the Ritz crackers with pineapple and cheddar on?

  10. Sumer buffet – Lager, Pimms, Fizz stuff, G&T, Scotch and beige things.

    Winter buffet – Ale, Port, Brandy, Scotch, Fizz Stuff and beige things and a pickled onion.

  11. Pints o’ cream
    Potato grids
    Large macs
    Chocolate quail’s eggs
    Fluffy ruffs
    Pasta pillows
    Mcfortune cookies
    Egg ‘n’ ham slabs
    Pork cylinders
    Artificial bacon (Facon tm)
    Sandwich casserole
    Garlic pudding
    Hoisin crispy owl
    Discount foie gras
    During-dinner mints
    Quiches lorraine

  12. Curry, kebab, pizza and sweet and sour Chinese. 

    And chips, all forms of chips 

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