Lukaschenko behauptet, die Ukraine wäre „sehr glücklich“, wenn Russland Atomwaffen einsetzen würde

Lukaschenko behauptet, die Ukraine wäre „sehr glücklich“, wenn Russland Atomwaffen einsetzen würde

  1. Thats a bold statement. Ukraine is fighting to protect its land and people, not looking for nuclear chaos…

  2. Of course Ukraine doesn’t want itself or its troops to literally get nuked, but Lukashenko is just stating how it would play out. Russia uses any nuke- tactical or strategic- and its going to make its standing in the world even worse.

    But that in itself is interesting- rather than supporting Russian saber-rattling and doing his own, speaking like this sounds like a capitulation. It sounds like he knows Russia is really in trouble and it’s bad enough that he has to admit it.

  3. Luka is talking facts like a jester, he is totally correct about Russia going to lose any allies they have.

  4. >I am confident that Ukraine would be pleased if Russia or we utilised tactical nuclear weapons there.

    What’s this “we” bullshit? Does this idiot really think daddy Putin stationed Russian nukes in Belarus just for Lukashenko’s personal use?

  5. If Russia used a nuclear fuel rod to beat Putin to death I think Ukraine would be quite happy about that. Does that count as a nuclear weapon?

  6. While we don’t know what they would do, we know with quite a high degree of certainty (as far as speculations can go) what NATO told Russia what they would do.

    Back in 2022 there were reportedly at least two instances where Russia was close (How close? We don’t know) to using a nuclear weapon in Ukraine- once around March/April, and once again around September. Both times coincided with increased Russian narrative- official, state propaganda and online trolls- about the threat of nuclear weapons/war.

    On the first occurrence, [USA reportedly cut a deal with China]( the US prohibited Poland from transferring fighter jets to Ukraine, and China sent strong message to Russia through its back channels.

    During the second occurrence the likelihood of using a nuclear weapon was seemingly much higher. Around that time [Washington and NATO were sending strong signals to Russia](, [Jake Sullivan was engaged with Russian officials](, and Kremlin was reportedly given a list of actions that NATO would take (unfortunately I can’t find links to this now). Those actions allegedly included NATO striking Russian forces in Ukraine and its Black Sea Fleet. David Petraeus, who is a retired but still well connected general, suggested in multiple interviews that those were indeed actions that NATO would take.

  7. The world claims Lukashenko would be very happy if a bat with nails in it would be shoved up in his ass and twisted around daily.

  8. He is so stupid for saying that. Isn’t Belarus right next to Ukraine? Is he sure that he would want a nuclear bomb being detonated so close to his country?

  9. The only people that would actually be happy are Poland slapping the Article 5 button and US bomber pilots.

  10. The way I read this is that the worldwide outrage is the only thing stopping Russia from using nuclear weapons either tactical or strategic. They do not care about Ukrainian, Russian or Belarusian people or how they would be affected. They only care about how it could end their own pitiful existences.

  11. Lukashenko knows if Putin fails he is a dead man walking. He is nothing but a festering hemorrhoid on the asshole of eastern Europe.

  12. Ukraine would probably be very happy if the US and Russia gave back their nuclear weapons since Russia broke the treaty guaranteeing Ukrainian sovereignty.

  13. Quiet Luka, nobody cares. You’ve proven yourself to be a lil bitch many times over.

  14. Lukashenko will say anything in his pathetic attempts to appear relevant. Common trait amongst sociopathic narcissists I’m led to believe.

  15. Say what you will, but in a grand strategy of geopolitics Russia would be doomed if they used a nuke. Yes, Ukraine would find it as a tragedy and shock, as would all the world, but that would mean getting NATO into action and China severing their diplomatic connections with Kremlin, as China, dystopian as it is, actually has no first use policy with nukes, and by getting West active, it itself would be crumbling down if West fell. Russia would be isolated in all fronts and find itself in a middle of a collapse by doing such thing. Let’s just hope Russia is not stupid enough to under any circumstances use it…

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