Ukraine attack destroys key Russian bridge in Kursk region | BBC News

Ukraine attack destroys key Russian bridge in Kursk region | BBC News

Ukraine has destroyed a strategically important bridge over the river Seym, as it continues its incursion into Russia’s Kursk region.

Russian officials have been quoted as saying the operation near the town of Glushkovo has cut off part of the local district.

The bridge was used by the Kremlin to supply its troops and its destruction could hamper their efforts.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukrainian troops were strengthening their positions in Kursk, and called the captured territories an exchange fund, implying they could be swapped for Ukrainian regions occupied by Moscow.

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  1. Sky News has been doing a news report on the state of the National Health System. The problem England has is socialism in medicine. Get the government out of medical and open it up to "free market" capitalism and it will create competition and lower costs. America is having a similar problem because it too let government take control of the health care system with Obamacare. Thankfully we still has some semblance of capitalism in our health care system. Socialism fails every time it's tried.

  2. Poo-tin looks weak, isolated and embarrassed – the 3 worst things for a dictator. This is the beginning of the end of the russian war of aggression. They don't have another 2 years in them.

  3. A "reporter" asked Catherine the Great how the greatest armies of Europe couldn't control Europeans but she controlled vast Russia with a nod of her head. She was most well read, most cultured monarch in the world at that time. She replied she waited for consensus to emerge from diverse Russians and then nodded her head. Zelensky, crowdsource Russians' Roadmap for Reform, post Putin, beginning with Belgorod-Kursk. Catherine the Great was German so consult the Deutsche Churchill et al and Catherine the Great died laughing so better times may emerge for Ukraine and Russia.

  4. questa è un'operazione speciale 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍Gloria all'Ucraina💛💙💛💙🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🟡🔵🟡🔵🟨🟦🟨🟦

  5. Hi there, for anybody outside India reading this comment, I need to address you something that has happened in India. A female doctor was brutally raped, tortured and killed. We need the global media to address this issue. We need just for the doctor. Please spread this message globally.

  6. На каком основании это чучело может трактовать "мечты Путина"?.. почему никто тут не порицает уничтожение ВСУ объекта мирной инфраструктуры Курской области?! Никого это не смущает?..

  7. That was likely an American Jdam bomb… Ukraine was having difficulty destroying bridges completely from the air… They have been using cruise missiles like the British Storm Shadow but they didn't pack the punch to blow the support structures out & Ukrainian water drones have been hit & miss as well… Wouldn't be surprised if it was an American F16 that dropped it… Looks like Ukraine might have employed some American destruction.

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