Everytime Pedro comes to Portugal

Everytime Pedro comes to Portugal

by veelez7

  1. Do my fellow Spaniards straight speak in Spanish with you? No prior “do you speak Spanish?”?

  2. Same when Pedro goes to Paris…

    Pedro in Portugal : **¡ HOLA !**

    Pedro in Paris : **¡ HOLA !**

    Pedro encountering the very first intelligent alien form of life : **¡ HOLA !**

    Don’t ever tell me the French suck at english again.

  3. I went with my grandma to Oporto, she told the waiter like 4 times that Portugal belongs to Spain. Least nationalist spanish grandma🇪🇸💪

  4. If I want to have a small talk with the Spaniards, I speak slow Portuguese and we can communicate. For more complex topics, we might have to switch to English.
    It’s not our fault that we fully understand Spanish but European Portuguese is not intelligible for you.

  5. Queridos vecinos portugueses. Un español y un portugués se pueden entender hablando cada uno su idioma. Podemos hacer la prueba en este comentario si queréis.

  6. We are the lazy part of the Iberian peninsula for a reason.

    Every time I’ve met a Portuguese they speak decent english and quite a lot of them some Spanish, while their version of Brazilian is impossible to understand for us.

  7. Pedro gets angry.

    I’m going to let Napoleon pass again, eh!

    And suddenly the whole Peninsula Iberica speaks French.


  8. When I was young I worked at a hotel in a touristic city here in Germany. I worked the early shift so I met all the guests coming for breakfast. Spaniards while being nice enough to greet me, usually did it in Spanish. That made no sense to me, we’re in Germany, if you don’t speak German usually you talk to people in English. Even the French greeted me in English. But the Spaniards spoke Spanish to us.

  9. Not All Pedros though. Every time I go to Portugal I open with a greeting in Portuguese, after that I am always asked if I’m Spanish and then boom everything is in Spanish😭

  10. Na, every time I go to Portugal I refuse to speak in English. Better to try Portuñol than anything else. If I speak in English with a Portuguese or Italian fella, something inside of me dies. Portuguese and Spanish are grammatically 80% same language.

  11. Spanish and Portuguese have a high degree of intelligibility, especially in written form, albeit asymmetrical when speaking. It’s true that João can understand me without much issue but we Pedros struggle to understand them.

    I don’t think that it’s that drastic that we have to resort to using English though, keep it in the (Latin) family.

  12. I manage somehow using my basic Galician, I just have to remember I must say obrigado instead of jraciñas.

  13. Friday spent many hours talking to a Spaniard in Portuguese, and he replying in Spanish. With beer and wine miracles do happen

  14. What actualy happens: Joao speaks any language in order for people to buy their stuff (poor)

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