Putin Appoints His Niece as Russia’s Deputy Minister of Defense

Putin Appoints His Niece as Russia’s Deputy Minister of Defense


by MysticCallie

  1. When they start putting familiarity over competence, that’s a sign the net is closing

  2. Yeah, calm down everybody, it looks weird but its not like she will now move Divisions around on a map or yell at Putin in a bunker.

    Its a pretty minor Position:

    >Tsivileva’s responsibilities will include overseeing social and housing support for military personnel and managing interactions with the state foundation “Defenders of the Fatherland,” which supports participants in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine.

  3. First his bodyguard, then his niece… It is more obvious as ever that this is over. We are going to witness a coup very soon. I am willing to bet on it.

  4. That small circle of trust is shrinking. IMO he’s hearing a lot of rumbling from below decks.

  5. Man. Cant we do it north korean style… remember kim jong un s uncle?

    But behold. Maybe makes it worse….

  6. This is good for Ukraine on several levels. First, Putin once again spat in the face of the military professionals. In the long run that could be really good for Ukraine. Second, he put in someone who might end up being able to talk sense into him. I have absolutely no idea of his relationship with this person, but there is a little chance, a very small chance, that when she tells him just how utterly screwed up everything is he will finally understand.

  7. She will be banging behind a desk, on top of it or probably anywhere by her loyal subordinates…as I guess she knows fu%# all about strategic warfare

  8. Fun fact: During WW2 , the Allies made the decision to halt any plan they had in stock to assassinate Hitler because he was such a moron military wise that they came to the conclusion that letting him remain in power would help them much more than him dead.

    I feel like the same discussions might happened on the Ukrainian side 😂

  9. Well, at least we can see the Russian military has female leaders as well. It’s has to be really bad if Putin is appointing her.

  10. This is nepotism at its finest. Russia’s leadership is a family affair, it seems.

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