With Nord Stream making headlines again, Donald Tusk tells its patrons to ‘apologize and keep quiet’

With Nord Stream making headlines again, Donald Tusk tells its patrons to ‘apologize and keep quiet’


by KI_official

  1. Poland and other Eastern European countries where buying Russian gas and oil for decades, whiIe they protected the Russian asset Orban from consequences for his actions. I wonder how Poland would have reacted if someone blew up the Yamal or Druzhba pipeline a couple of month into the invasion and then Germany told Poland to stop investigating it, Tusk is being hypocritical

  2. I really don’t get why poles glee so much over Nordstream getting destroyed. I mean I get why it was unpopular but those pipes where already not operating. Germany always said it would shut down Nordstream if Russia atacks and that is exactly what we did. Destroying Nordstream only accomplished insane price spikes for the average german citizen. So from my perspectiv ir looks like you ar all just happy that germans got hurd while simultaneously telling us we ar nor allowed to get pissed…

  3. Interesting how this information is coming out right after Ukraine advanced into the Kursk region. Now I ain’t saying it’s a Russian psy-ops, but…

  4. So for Poland it is no problem that the energy infrastructure of an “ally” gets destroyed? Good to know.

  5. I don’t get why Germans are pissing themselves and waving their fists at Poles (who had nothing to do with it) for a pipe that wasn’t in use. Unless you were planning to use it again there is nothing to be mad about. However virtually everyone has reasons to be mad this pipeline was allowed to be consctructed.

    If you have proof your “critical infrastructure” was attacked go ahead and start article 5 against Ukraine. You were attacked right?

  6. Because I see the usual reactions again: Nord Stream 2 is joint-venture between Gazprom (Russia), Uniper (Germany), Wintershall (Germany), OMV (Austria), Shell (Netherlands/UK) and Engie (France). Do people single out Germany because they simply don’t know any better and are falling for plain old populism?

  7. ELI5: Why are germans so mad about not being able to send billions of euros to fund the russian war machine?

    Sit down and shut up.

  8. Germans really love their Russian gas. They’re mad that their ability to help Russia reconstruct their army after the war is limited now.

  9. Well, someone here is a “Bully with a victim complex”, and it’s not Germany.

  10. It was a former transit country for the overland gas pipeline I bet. Being butthurt about no longer being important and involved due to the new pipeline being in the sea. Hissy fits started when Turkey got involved as an alternative transit country.

    Poland and Ukraine were most likely involved imho.

  11. blowing up the nord stream is just realpolitik, a pragmatic approach to energy infrastructure.

  12. God I love seeing Germany butthurt about it, freaking hypocrites XD

    Why is it that when we’ve been complaining about security issues regarding ND2 it was nothing more than a business transaction. But suddenly we have to act like allies about this matter? Fuck off XD

    Now since plenty of y’all are trying to paint Poland as hypocrites because we were also getting plenty of Russian gas/ oil. Which is true. By 2022 we were still getting 60% of energy from Russia.

    However I’d like to remind everyone that we were part of eastern block. We had entire infrastructure already built. After that every previous member of Warsaw pact had an absolute disaster of economy do deal with. Meanwhile at the same time Germany was doing deals with Russia. Which honestly, for the late 90s/early 2000s is a fair deal. Russia did a shady thing here or there but nothing properly alarming.

    But then Russia started threating with gas cut-offs, sudden huge price hikes, invasion of Georgia. We already started investing into energy storage and signing laws to keep those stores somewhat full just in case. YALL STILL DID FUCKALL

    Then Crimea happened. That was BEFORE ND2. We’ve immediately invested into LNG terminals, pipelines with Norway and Baltics. YALL DID WORSE THAN FUCKALL. You decided to work on ND2. While went from >90% of gas/ oil from Russia to ~60% by 2021 with plans to be down to 30% by 2030, you lot went up to 52% of Russian gas by 2021. It’s such a straw argument regarding energy XD. You lot had a chance to work with the East together on this one so it would be easier for all of us together, we wouldn’t have to price out our manufacturing as we’d suffer the consequences together. Instead we got what we got -.-

    THEN THE INVASION OF UKRAINE STARTED. Guess who started helping them out first? Eastern EU. West followed with fucking helmets and phone calls from macron XD

    So nah, I don’t see why we should side with Germany on this one. You never had our backs when we were ringing the bells for decades. So I’m not surprised our goverment – previous and current one is so reluctant to help out. Fuck around and find out I guess?

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