Harris opens up a 6-point lead over trump among likely voters, 51%-45%.

Harris opens up a 6-point lead over trump among likely voters, 51%-45%.


Posted by Daffy_Don_old

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  2. Let’s make it a 20 point lead! If every democratic voter donated 20 dollars to act blue, her campaign would raise over a billion dollars.

    Check your registration status at http://www.vote.gov and send this link to all your friends. Have registration parties and voting celebration parties and if you want to help, go to


    You can volunteer from the comfort of your home by phone banks, or postcard writing parties etc. invite your friends. Let’s make sure Kamala wins and make it fun at the same time!


    Blue wave 🌊 Kamala 2024!

    Peace and love ❤️ 💗 🌸

  3. From the article: 

    “Yet Trump retains the upper hand on the two top-cited election issues in the poll — the overall economy and inflation — and also leads on a third — immigration — keeping the race a closely contested one.”

    How in hell anyone can put this doofus ahead on the economy (or anything else) is just mindboggling. 

  4. Likely voters don’t count, only voters. [Make sure you can vote](http://www.vote.gov) and VOTE!

    Check your voter registration again on the deadline for registration in your state. Voter roll purges are real.

  5. Shady Vance was already on Fux Spews, and says the polls are fake

    Here we go.Stop the steal part 2

  6. How can you see Harris having a 6% lead among likel voters…but say “Oh Trump leads on the economy so the race is close!”

    GO VOTE.

    But it’s like saying 6% more people will choose Popeye’s for lunch but they still think Chipotle makes better tortillas than them. WHO CARES, THEY ARE ALREADY SAYING THEY ARE HAVING POPEYE’S.

  7. This doesn’t say anything about swing states, so unfortunately it’s still a tossup atm.

  8. How a candidate who says he wants to be dictator is polling at 45% in America is beyond me.

  9. I’ll love the good news but I’d love it more if Kamala had a lead of 76%-24% 💙🇺🇸

  10. None of this matters republicans have lost every popular vote of the millennium.

  11. This could shake things up significantly. Interesting to see how this will play out.

  12. > Cornel West/Melina Abdullah have 1%, as does Jill Stein of the Green Party.

    that was enough for Trump to win Wisconsin in 2016, where they’ve just ruled Stein will be allowed on the ballot again

  13. i get why trump polls ahead of her on immigration. it’s his issue, he fear mongers, build walls, beats the issue to death, i get it. but why the fuck do people think that a man who couldn’t figure out how to properly run a casino will be good for the economy. i swear people see the R next to the name and just assume republicans are good with money, when historically they are shit.

  14. to the “don’t believe it, vote” folks:

    Both can be true. We should vote like we’re down 10, but morale matters. People want to support a winner and we should trumpet that Harris will win

  15. I believe Hillary was ahead and we know what happened. DONT BE COMPLACENT. Register to vote. Get everyone you know to vote or kiss the next 10 years goodbye

  16. It is meaningless, yet the media does it in every election cycle. You see, we have this antiquated system called the electoral college. We do not use the popular vote so it does not matter who is ahead in the polls nationally, only in “battleground” states. In fact, most Republican Presidents in recent history have lost the national popular vote by a large margin and were still elected President. Then they enact laws that few people want and erase others that most people do, because they are answering to a small fringe part of the population, not to the majority.

  17. I keep seeing articles like this but the other day I had the nightly news on in the background and they said the polls were neck and neck. What gives? Also it was just abc news or something not a 24 hour news channel.

  18. Vote. Vote like your freedom depends on it. And not in a maga cult sense of the word, but in your actual freedoms enumerated in the constitution.

  19. It doesn’t matter if she’s up 10 points nationally. The swing states are what matters, and the electoral college

  20. Dicktator on Day 1. How’s that going for you Mango Mussolini? The guy that spews hate and with no polices. Still, how is anyone behind that guy?

  21. This election is somehow going to top 2016… Liberals are somehow more brainwashed than last time the reactions will be priceless

  22. This is great, but Votes before gloats. Also understand that this election will most likely be decided in the streets after fascists in swing states refuse to certify the vote counts and the fascist Supreme Court declares Trump the winner.

  23. While this is great, I am eternally disheartened by the fact that 45% will still be voting for the felonious, grifting pedo. He’s always been terrible and now he’s an old incoherent blathering idiot and they’ll still vote for him. Time for the next generation to take over, this is played out.

  24. Democrats should also hope that they win both houses of Congress or I’m not sure she’ll be able to enact much change if she becomes president

  25. Harris is winning. Let that sink in for a moment. Harris is winning.

    Now, let’s embrace the panic that infects all left leaning sub Reddits. “Vote like we’re 10 points behind! She’s still within the margin of error! The GOP will scheme to steal the election! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!”

    That panic is a good thing, it means we’re no longer complacent. Harris is winning.

  26. Newest polls here in Pennsylvania, which may end up being the decider, show it within the margin of error. No relaxing, no gloating, no laying off the gas. VOTE.

  27. It doesn’t matter what the polls say. Vote blue in November. Fuck Trump and his supporters. Damn weirdos

  28. I said before Biden dropped out that Trump’s lead was a mirage. When ordinary people started paying attention to the race and making decisions, Trump would fall apart.

    Kamala Harris accelerated that process. People who were unenthusiastic about Biden, but were probably going to vote for him on Election Day are openly supporting Harris now.

    The choice of Walz as VP shows that Harris is not going to make the same mistakes as Hillary Clinton. She’s going to be aggressive and she’s going to fight for every single winnable vote.

    Also, the change in poll numbers is causing Trump to commit multiple unforced errors. The man can’t handle a crisis, which is a big reason why he lost four years ago.

    Oh, and the RNC is done and the DNC hasn’t even started yet.

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