{Matte Moretto} Lookman wants to join PSG! Contacts have intensified! The Nigerian is pushing for a move. PSG could send an offer soon

{Matte Moretto} Lookman wants to join PSG! Contacts have intensified! The Nigerian is pushing for a move. PSG could send an offer soon

by NunoSupremacy25

  1. His stats for anyone interested:

    Serie A 23/24: 18 g/a in 31 matches
    Serie A 22/23: 19 g/a in 31 matches

    Europa Ligue 23/24: 6 g/a in 11 matches

    Coppa Italia 23/24: 1 goal in 3 matches
    Coppa Italia 22/23: 2 goals in 2 matches

  2. Drop 45M on his head and bring him, can’t be arsed with a panic buy on deadline day.

  3. way too expensve for what we want…lookman while impressive in europa isn’t at psg level and we’re not paying 50m for a bench player, are we ?

  4. I’ll gladly take him. Much more reliable at least personality wise compared to Osimhen. Gyökeres could be a new Icardi and that’s about what there is as strikers go on the market currently. With Barcola, Dembele, Doue and Kang-In on the wings I’m pretty sure Lookman will do just fine!

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