Labour plan to bypass Holyrood with direct spending powers for Scotland Office

Labour plan to bypass Holyrood with direct spending powers for Scotland Office

by Terrorgramsam

  1. > It will allow Chancellor Rachel Reeves to allocate a reported £150million warchest

    that’s about the same amount the Scottish block grant will be reduced by due to the Winter Fuel Payment cut…

    > this legislation will allow the Scotland Office to invest directly where it sees fit

    And when the Tories inevitably get back in at Westminster, how will a Scottish Labour government in Holyrood feel about the legislation then?

  2. Boo! How awful that Westminster wants to spend money in Scotland.

    They should be giving it straight to calmac instead.

  3. The cleverer move would be to bypass them and go straight to councils, who people like, and squeeze the SNP from both sides.

    I have no issue with this – Labour have a thumping mandate to take an active role in Scotland’s government from the GE.

  4. Hmm maybe the SNP shouldn’t have forced councils to not raise council tax, whilst councils are trying their hardest to not go bankrupt providing the most basic services.

  5. Think the question will always be, how is this money not better spent on the NHS. If money is so tight, then this is frivolous spending to prop up a rather brittle ego of the labour government. Wasn’t the Scottish referendum lost by the nationalist side, in part due to the promise of great autonomy? This is just muscular unionism all over again.

  6. Same voices screaming Red Tories when Labour didn’t immediately fix poverty are now screaming in anguish that Labour are investing £150m additional funds into Scotland.

  7. Aaah the future Lord Murray of Morningside will have alms to distribute to the poor directly.

    What about if he starts off with poor pensioners, say couples on a joint income of £18k.
    Maybe help them out with their heating bill 💵.

    You know like when the last Labour Government introduced the Winter Fuel Payment. The one Sir Keir Starmer attacked the Tories about.

    Oh to be in England, now that summer’s here…


  8. That’s democracy, voters in Scotland gave labour a mandate and now they’re going to use it. Devolution has been a failure as far as Labour is concerned so it will do what it can to undermine it and return effective control to Westminster. There’s no pathway to independence and the SNP are in decline and disarray but Labour aren’t going to take any chances, they’ll do everything they can to ensure a Labour victory at Holyrood in 2026 and kill off the SNP threat. Their top priority is to ensure the integrity of the UK and they’ll use all the powers at their disposal to ensure that the other unionist parties will happily support them.

  9. Not sure why this is being called news or an exclusive. Everything in it has been reported months ago.

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