Norwegen schließt palästinensisches Büro, nachdem Israel Diplomaten die Akkreditierung entzogen hat

Norwegen schließt palästinensisches Büro, nachdem Israel Diplomaten die Akkreditierung entzogen hat

  1. >Norway will be closing its Representative Office in the Palestinian West Bank town of Al-Ram “until further notice,” Oslo’s foreign minister said on Friday, following a decision by Israel to revoke the accreditation of Norwegian diplomats working there, earlier this month, Israel’s Foreign Ministry announced that it would be revoking the diplomatic status of eight Norwegian diplomats who dealt with the Palestinian Authority, in response to Oslo’s recognition of a Palestinian state earlier this year, the dramatic step would serve to show the Norwegians that there was “a price for anti-Israel conduct,” Foreign Minister Israel Katz said at the time.

    >The diplomats were told that they would have their accreditation revoked within a week and their visas in three months. They were all offered the option to apply for new accreditation, in a statement on Friday, Norwegian Foreign Ministry Espen Barth Eide said that Oslo considered the decision by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be “extreme and unreasonable”, the decision sought to target “the Palestinians and the Palestinian Authority and all those who defend international law, the two-state solution and the Palestinians’ legitimate right to self-determination,” Barth Eide said, vowing that Oslo would not allow the closure to impact its work “for a viable Palestinian state.”

    >The European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States have all criticized the revocation and noted the role Norway has played in the Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts over the last three decades, Appearing to respond to Katz’s accusation that instead Norway had “chosen to award the murderers and rapists of Hamas” in the aftermath of the October 7 terror onslaught in southern Israel, Barth Eide said that Norway “is a friend of Israel and the Israeli people.”
    “We have strongly condemned Hamas’ terrorist attack against Israel on October 7 last year,” he said. “We have been clear that the hostages must be released immediately and that a ceasefire is more urgent than ever.”

  2. From my understanding, Israel’s argument was: “If you’re going to have a diplomatic representation to Palestine, then host it entirely within the West Bank, not within Israel proper, which is under no obligation to host an ambassadors to Palestine, which wants to destroy us.” Would the CCP allow Norwegian diplomats to Taiwan to sit in Beijing?

    Of course, however, the Israeli government knew that the implication would be a de facto expulsion of Norwegian diplomats to Palestine. The above argument was a pretext. The *real* view, on part of Israel, is that Norway has (post-2023, at least) taken a one-sided anti-Israel approach — coming down harder on Israel for their response to October 7th than on Palestine for October 7th — and that Israel is retaliating against Norway for their recognition of Palestinian statehood.

    Of course, Norway has a right to call out Israel’s human rights abuses and take the side against Israel. Israel, correspondingly, is not morally obligated to entertain the anti-Israel Norwegian position. This is simply each country acting in its own best interest.

  3. So Norway lacks the courage of their convictions eh? Israel should do the same for international journalists.

  4. They want to live nice lives in Tel Aviv, and not in Ramallah, and Israel isn’t obliged to grant them that. Simple as that.

  5. One of the supposed incentives for the PA to engage in a negotiated solution with Israel is international recognition of the resultant Palestinian state. By unilaterally recognizing Palestine, Norway has provided the Palestinians with the benefit of the negotiations, without actually requiring any commitments from the Palestinians to end the conflict. This makes Israel’s position in any eventual negotiations weaker.

    That is why Israel told Norway to GTFO.

  6. Facilitated Oslo accords? Hence Norway is partially responsible for what happened after 1993.

  7. Seems like a pretty straightforward equation.

    Why present Israel’s discontinuing the supply of sausages to an enemy’s barbecue within their backyard anything other than the logical result that it is?

    Israel didn’t say the Norwegians can’t come through, it just said that — seeing as these particular Norwegians are empowering enemy interests, they will discontinue the particular benefits normally reserved for people who come to Israel … for diplomacy! Why pretend that’s surprising? The only question is “why did it take Israel so long?”

  8. Why does Israel always have this crazy standards? Host ambassadors for another quasi-state, host journalists, don’t fight the war too hard, do a ceasefire deal even though the other side keeps rejecting it. No Western state is held to this level, it’s insane.

  9. Tactically shortsighted and strategically stupid move on Israel’s part. When you’ve lost Norway, you need to re-think your position.

  10. If you’re going to have a Palestinian embassy, keep it within the Palestinian Territories. You don’t get to virtue signal and pretend to have moral clarity while living cushy lives in Tel Aviv instead of the cities you should actually be living in.

  11. It’s stupid to criticise Israel when they have insistently and repeatedly say that they will react if nations choose to recognise Palestine whilst still trying to get the benefit of staying in Israel.

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