I want to take Mpox vaccine tomorrow and TK (my Krankenkasse) only pay for people who have sex with men with men.

Well, in my Hausartzt, we don't usually go to the doctor for vaccinations. So I'm wondering, will they ask me in front of everyone at reception if I'm gay and if I have sex regularly? I don't have a problem with it, I'm open, but I think it would be a bit weird.

And it usually I need to pay and they pay me back or its all with my Krankenkasse, like normal vaccines?


by luckyyStar_

  1. Have you ever had a doctor start asking you about your medical history in front of other patients waiting? Why would they start now?

    The consultation, like any other doctor appointment, happens individually, inside the doctor’s office, behind a locked door. If the doctor has a trainee present, you are always asked if you consent to the trainee sitting in your appointment.

    The question is most probably going to be “do you have sex with men” – not if you are gay, and not how sexually active you are.

  2. It doesn’t say TK only pays for men who have sex with men, it says that’s who it is recommended for. If you give another good reason to the doctor they will get the TK to pay for it. Otherwise many people will start demanding this unnecessarily and then there is no vaccine left for those most at risk. Last time this made the rounds there was a vaccine shortage.

  3. New Cumtown bit:

    Doctor who comes into the waiting room and in front of everyone asks you if you’re gay and to prove it.

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