How are Russians reacting to the dramatic Ukrainian incursion in Kursk region? A hundred miles from Moscow I gauge the mood in a small Russian town. Steve Rosenberg for BBC News

How are Russians reacting to the dramatic Ukrainian incursion in Kursk region? A hundred miles from Moscow I gauge the mood in a small Russian town. Steve Rosenberg for BBC News

by BkkGrl

  1. [Kyiv ready to relocate Russian citizens displaced by Ukraine’s Kursk offensive](

    > In light of the displacements, Ukraine has offered to help relocate the affected citizens and provide them with humanitarian assistance.

    > It has also set up a telephone hotline to assist Russians seeking safety.

    > “Ukraine shows its readiness to provide all necessary assistance to Russian refugees who have realized the consequences of the totalitarian regime for themselves and the irreversible nature of what is happening, that the war is continuing and has been dragged onto their territory. That is why they need help and they can receive it,” said Iryna Friz, a Ukrainian MP representing the European Solidarity party.

    Meanwhile, Putin offers refugees 10,000 rubles ($100) aaaand… thats it

    [Ukrainians found a paralyzed grandmother that the russians abandoned and helped her.](

  2. So they trust Putin

    But if he dies of age, or whatever is to come, does that mean they will become feisty against the new rulers?

  3. Honestly these people disgust me.

    They cry about peace now that the battle is in their own land. ‘Allowing’ Ukraine to invade has breached the social contract Putin has with his people. That is why they are complaining.

    I guarantee the following: if the Russian army can push Ukraine back past their borders, these people will stop talking about peace in a hartbeat. As one lady puts hit herself: ‘I do not follow politics’.

    Expressed in other words. Peace for me, not for thee.

  4. “what is victory?” – exactly – what is the objective now? is it still to “denazify” Ukraine? so silly as it sounds now cause real facists are on the other side.

    looks really sad when they call their soldiers “defenders” – only now they can actually say they try to defend anything but it looks more like they gave up the land, built trenches and thats it

  5. But of course the woman who loves Putin also loves Alexander III, a hard handed autocrat who really cranked up russification to the max, crushed liberal voices etc.

    It’s quite telling.

  6. Viktor Tsoi is rolling in his grave hearing his songs being used in some pathetic propaganda performance

  7. This Steve Rosenberg is risking to be captured and held hostage to be exchanged for more poutin’s murderers and criminals, like they exchanged Krasik and But.

  8. It looks there is not much of a difference people see between Donbass and Kursk. So mostly for them there is nothing changed, nobody is agilated about “native Russian land”, i.e. they look at the Kursk exactly the same way they looked at Donetsk and Luhansk before.

  9. I was in Saint Petersburg a few days ago for a new project I’m starting, I was able to interview some people, the general sensation I got was fear from anti putin people and calm from people that support Putin, in their opinion (the second group) it’s something not really that important and in a few weeks the territory will go back to Russia. It was a bit more complex than that but that’s the general feeling I got.

    Also, the general sensation in the city is no war at all, people still walk around happy and they don’t seem to be affected by war, or at least people in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, since they told me those two cities are protected by the government, but I met a girl that was in Rostov a few days earlier, and she told me she could feel the fear and the war, and that it was a scary experience for her and she wanted to leave as fast as possible.

  10. The blonde woman on 2:00 is so weird.
    Likes Alex the 3rd who is Putin’s role model, ok, but then says Stalin is bad?

    *We need to do everything we can to make his job easier.*

    Yeah that’s obvious, that’s what “I’m not at all a political person” is about.

  11. hard to apprehend what’s going on there in russia. it seems though they’re lulled by the leader’s narrative and history interpretation, additionally they want to believe in this and their nation’s strength.

    what concerns me more though is the partly willingness in western europe to follow putin’s narrative and justify his claims and accusations. so what’s going on here with these people…?!

  12. “Why is this happening to us? Someone let this happen.”

    I sympethise, but I’d really recommend the woman to learn who actually instigated the war.

  13. I don’t know why comments here are surprised or “disgusted”. This is how nations, even the invading ones, operate under war, with almost no exceptions. For example, it took more then 15 years for majority of Americans to recognize invasion of Iraq was unjistified, Bush won reelection by 12 million more votes, the propaganda for war side was almost comical (“freedom fries”). And we’re talking about a democratic free country. This, on the other hand, is Russia. I remember how (at the start of the war and sanctions) naive the comments saying Russian people would turn on Putin once sanctions take full effect seemed. That hasn’t happened ever in history, anywhere. “Rally around the flag” is far too strong. The only way i can see popular support turn against Putin in Russia is if he starts losing the war, and i mean badly, like total collapse of the front in Ukraine and large cities (like Moscow and St Pete) really feeling it.

  14. The young man he interviewed was regurgitating propaganda. But the older people… I saw scared people. The lady selling vegetables was. Weighing. Every. Word. Very. Carefully. The blond woman who was so fond of Putin, how she deflated when she was asked to describe what she liked about him, and then pushed out those words.

    The internet couple with the matching glasses, they hint at ‘conflicting news’ but dare not say more.

    They fear their ‘good life’ falling apart, but fear their leaders more.

  15. This is so fcked up , these people are so out of the loop. Its like a different universe.

  16. “We’d like more information to be released about this”

    They know they’re not getting the full picture

  17. There’s always a long line of people waiting to trash the BBC but Rosenberg deserves some awards for his reports from Russia.

  18. Not exactly on the topic, but I have such a pet peeve for not accurate translation. When it comes to translating for news you HAVE TO translate it as close to what people are saying as possible. Why retell and omit whole sentences when you have the footage with clear speech? It really annoys me. There are a few instances where the translation adds words that were never said and omits other words completely. Jesus Christ how hard is it to translate properly? It’s just Russian, not an unknown alien language.

  19. Russia is a patostate, rotting to the core from the disease that is its demented ideology.

  20. I’d like to give major props to whomever edited this piece. It was beautiful, paced and terrifying all at once. 

  21. Some elderly woman in a god forgotten village is suddenly the whole Russia🤔 Russian propaganda fucks people’s minds. To be fair though I don’t even know who to trust anymore since on most political topics our news and western news are the same with interchangeable ‘Ukraine/NATO’ and ‘Russia’ since 2014. I was lucky to visit Ukraine in 2012 before 2014 and our family was happy about this cool summer trip. 2 years after suddenly Ukrainians are nazis and since then 10 years of bullshit🥲

  22. And still theres these idiots saying shit like “NoT AlL rUsSiAnS R bAD”.

    No, just the majority of em

  23. I can’t help but wonder if they are truthful. Would annyone really publicly say that they are against the invasion of Ukraine or that they don’t support Putin?

    I’m sure there are plenty that actually support him, but would anyone opposing him admit to it on television?

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