A Pixel For Every 50,000 People in the World

A Pixel For Every 50,000 People in the World

Posted by _naspli

  1. Yesterday I posted [“A Pixel For Every Million People in the World”](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1euunin/oc_a_pixel_for_every_million_people_in_the_world). This is an updated version of that map, with some improvements: [link to uncompressed image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naspli/poppyn/master/data/output/poppyn__10000_50000.v2.png)

    * Over 20x the resolution: from 1920×832 to 10000×4333
    * And hence each pixel set to show 20x fewer people – 50,000 people rather than 1,000,000
    * Dataset problem with Romania cleaned up
    * 20x cooler inverted colour-scheme

    Each of those tiny pixels represents a large town or football stadium full of people! I also have some *even higher* res slices than above, each another 5x in quality for some sub-section of the world – and set to 10,000 people/pixel:

    * [Europe](https://github.com/naspli/poppyn/blob/master/data/output/poppyn_Europe_4000_10000.v2.png?raw=true)
    * [US](https://github.com/naspli/poppyn/blob/master/data/output/poppyn_US_3500_10000.v2.png?raw=true)
    * [India](https://github.com/naspli/poppyn/blob/master/data/output/poppyn_India_2000_10000.v2.png?raw=true)
    * [Far East](https://github.com/naspli/poppyn/blob/master/data/output/poppyn_FarEast_3000_10000.v2.png?raw=true)

    I achieved the above with some tweaks to the algorithm and some more patience. As before, the raw data comes from [WorldPop](https://www.worldpop.org), the code can be found at my [GitHub](https://github.com/naspli/poppyn/tree/master), and my original blog post about this project can be found on [Medium](https://medium.com/@naspli/making-spatial-population-data-easier-to-comprehend-053e6035c000).

  2. Anyone know why that region in southwest Pakistan (looks like Karachi?) is so dense compared to its surroundings?

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