‘Cause there’s beauty in the breakdown

‘Cause there’s beauty in the breakdown

Posted by DidYouSeeBriansHat

  1. There’s so much fake news about all of this it’s hard to keep track of. like the couch thing was made up

  2. Ohioan here. What in the buckeye anal bead f*ck is going on? Regardless, I’m so, so very sorry.

  3. JD is one of those people who would like to pretend he listened to MCR as a kid but actually didn’t.

  4. I like The Shins too, one of the best soundtracks ever.

    Only difference would be is that, now in 2024, I don’t think women should have the government telling them what to do with their bodies.

  5. To be fair, The Internet is forever and more and more politicians and public figures are going to have cringe blogs from their younger days. It’s something we can chuckle at, for sure, but this sort of thing is absolutely going to become “normal” before much longer.

  6. The whole GOP right now is men and women feeling insecure about men’s masculinity. And so what do they do? Pick as their leader the most unmanly human possible and pump him up as some sort of christlike figure.

  7. almost seems like he was a normal person at some point but then sold out to terrible people. he’s dead inside. poor schmuck. hope he fucks off and leaves us alone.

  8. Ughhh he’s ugly inside and out. Just like Trump and all of his minions. Like you can’t be both ugly and an ass hole. People don’t like people like that. Hence why Republicans keep losing elections

  9. Remember. The GOP had a 270 page document on Vance. There will be so much coming that we haven’t unearthed yet.

  10. You know…if not for, well, everything else about him…this would make him incredibly relatable. Unfortunately (for him), he chose whatever this is now over being authentic.

  11. You know what? Most people clean their everything when going into politics. If he missed doing this or not. This is kinda cool.

  12. Top notch VP material right there if you happen to be a Republican. For everyone else he’s top notch weird.

  13. This is what happens when a transgender is forced to stay in the closet because of their political affiliation, and never gets to come out. The egg goes rotten.

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