JD Vance Wildly Compares Harris to Jeffrey Epstein, Dismisses Polls Showing Trump Losing as ‘Fake’

JD Vance Wildly Compares Harris to Jeffrey Epstein, Dismisses Polls Showing Trump Losing as ‘Fake’

JD Vance Wildly Compares Harris to Jeffrey Epstein, Dismisses Polls Showing Trump Losing as ‘Fake’

Posted by inewser

  1. Bold comparison to make, especially when you fly on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane with his long time friend and client.

  2. Mr eyeliner, cross dresser, Mr 3 or 4 name changes who used to be liberal but is now ultra right is calling the POLLS fake?

    Vance is more fake than a suntan in North Dakota in January.

  3. Keep telling lies. This will all catch up with them.
    MAGA is deserting Trump. They won’t show up to vote.

  4. I love how these morons bash Trump and the next thing they are blowing him. JD Vance is no exception. Trump likes him in drag.

  5. MAGA fruitcakes desperately want to be leading in the polls before election day to make it more plausible that the election was stolen. Harris leading in the polls hurts that effort.

  6. Name a more iconic duo than Trump and Epstein. I don’t think Trump has ever even had a friend, except Jeffery Epstein. Photographs, videos and sexual assault victims depositions show that these two were inseparable BFF’s.

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