Russian column tried to break through Ukrainian defenses in the direction of Terna. But, they were met by the 95th DSHV Brigade together with 60 OMBr, “Azov” brigade and the National Guard of Ukraine who completely destroyed them. April 2024

Russian column tried to break through Ukrainian defenses in the direction of Terna. But, they were met by the 95th DSHV Brigade together with 60 OMBr, “Azov” brigade and the National Guard of Ukraine who completely destroyed them. April 2024

by SmokingBlackSeaFleet

  1. Elements of 4 brigades guarding an area of the front does not seem to me to be a good place to make an attack

  2. Pinky: “Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?”
    Brain: “The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!”
    Pinky: “Brilliant plan, Pinky! Oh, no, wait. What if we want to use a plan that works?”

  3. Watching people dead and dying, with good music and explosions cut to the beat and all in high def. While I’m having a smoke on the balcony. What a timeline.

  4. Wrong place wrong time. Some tactical officer just got disqualified from the job.

  5. What do we think? Artillery? ATGM? Looks like the FPVs were just mopping up the remains

  6. At 1:15, it seems like a drone with auto targeting is attacking a tank with EW mounted on top, to give the free reign to the the other simpler FPV drones.

  7. 🎶🎶Today I didn’t even have to use my A.K , I gotta say it was a good day🎶🎶

    ..Ice cube..

  8. It seemed the whole road had been grid out and coordinated by the UA for easy shelling.

    RU stopped at vehicle graveyard and froze when tail and heads has been hit by few shelling/drone.
    chaos ensued and UA just ripping them new holes.

    What a beautiful tragedy.

  9. Every column gets absolutely pummeled on the way in. Must feel terrible knowing that skill has no bearing on your survival on the way in.

  10. Every column gets absolutely pummeled on the way in. Must feel terrible knowing that skill has no bearing on your survival on the way in.

  11. I’m thinking it has to be a very lonely feeling: an infantryman on foot in the middle of a large wide open field and it occurs to you that all the more valuable targets are either burning hulks or have retreated and the drone operators don’t have anything better to do than mop up single soldiers.

  12. This is bad though. 

    They definetly had drone jammers on one of those vehicles that worked rlly well. 

  13. “destroyed”? They obliterated them. Holy shit. That’s beyond bush league. The only “military experience” I got is playing Battlefield games but that seems like a *really* stupid place to drive 6(?) pieces of armor, an open field right by dug in and zeroed in artillery. Fish in a barrel.

  14. Hmm, I think the drone at 1:12 has some automatic target tracking. It looks like it’s locked onto the vehicle after the “T” disappears

  15. Was there a TOS-1 in the column as well? It’s insane how much hardware the Russians can lose and still muster these crazy suicide assaults more than two years into the war.

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