Russian staff shortages. They created a motorized unit from the “space forces”.

Russian staff shortages. They created a motorized unit from the “space forces”.

by dat_9600gt_user

  1. >**Due to personnel shortages, the Russian military command sent soldiers from the Aerospace Forces to defend the Kursk Oblast attacked by Ukrainian troops, the Vazhniye Istorii website reported on Sunday.**

    >“The air force was sent to defend the Kursk region, from which a motorized rifle unit was formed. These soldiers were brought in, among others, from heavy bomber units and stations intended to warn in the event of a nuclear attack,” wrote Russian investigative journalists.

    >The motorized rifle regiment was created in May or June as a border protection group. The unit included engineers, mechanics, radar point employees and several air crew officers, the Russian portal reported.

    >The text emphasized that the unit had already suffered personnel losses during the fights with Ukrainians in Russia.

    >The Armed Forces of Ukraine launched an offensive operation in the Kursk Oblast on Russian territory on August 6. The territories of present-day Russia have not been occupied by foreign armies since World War II.

    >**Difficult situation for Russians**

    >After Ukrainian forces destroyed further bridges in the Kursk region on Saturday and Sunday, the situation of Russian soldiers became more difficult, among others. due to supply problems.

    >About 2,500 Russian soldiers may soon be surrounded by Ukrainian soldiers, notes military expert Denys Popovych, quoted by the UNIAN agency on Sunday.

    >Source: PAP

  2. Even better; [Russia lowers enlistment age to 14 for paramilitary training in occupied territories](

    >Russians have significantly lowered the mandatory enlistment age in one of the military organizations in the occupied territories. From now on, children will be required to join DOSAAF (Volunteer Society for the Assistance to the Army, Aviation, and Navy) from the age of 14, according to the National Resistance Center of Ukraine.

    russia is ready to infringe the last Geneva Convention left to be broken.

  3. So they are using up their flight instructors, their drill instructors, their mechanics, their engineers, their satellite image analysts and other support troops…

    to man trenches.

    That’s very smart. It will not cause long term problems, like permanent loss of knowledge or anything. Everything is fine.

    SMH…. Like the Ukrainians said: “We’re lucky they’re so stupid”.

  4. Sounds like someone needs to construct more barracks. Its not wise to send your SCV drones out when youre low on crystals.

  5. if russians loaded these mfers onto a plane and dropped them without parachute over Ukrainian positions, and still wouldn’t surprise me. in fact, they would have even made an impact on the battlefield.

  6. Well, Putin’s system managed to destroy most of what was left from the Soviet space programme so, I reckon, there is no actual need for the space forces.

  7. This is a very low quality posts.

    “These soldiers were brought, among others, from heavy bomber units and stations to warn in the event of a nuclear attack “- wrote Russian investigative journalists.” Who? No link or name?

    “The Motorized Rifle Regiment was created in May or June as a border guard group. The unit included engineers, mechanics, employees of radar points and several officers of the air crew – the Russian portal reported.” No link, or even name.

  8. So you’re telling me that they left space unguarded?!!

    Let’s go boys. It’s free real estate!!


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