Apache Engages Taliban Platoon

Apache Engages Taliban Platoon

by grandeluua

  1. It’s nice having footage from a stable camera, been getting so used to Ka52 clips that I started thinking shaking cameras was standard for helicopters.

  2. I remember the original was a few minutes long. They absolutely massacred these guys. Killed almost every single one of them. Finished off the last few hiding with hellfires when they had run out of 30mm rounds.

  3. “Oh look there’s part of Abdul. And another part, and another, and another way over there… or is that part of Rasheesh?”

  4. I can just imagine how terrifying that would be. First rocket deletes point man then anyone that’s left is going through something worse than hell I can only imagine what it’s like to have 50 exploding rounds from a 230 bush master hit with devastating accuracy, everything around you.. gotta be a humbling experience

  5. Ah, classic, remember watching this one on LiveLeak. Back in the day we were grateful for a short footage of “contact” with the enemy hiding somewhere over the horizon, now you have face-to-face encounters on a daily basis.

  6. Classic. In the longer version of this there’s a point where you see donkeys and one of them shits.

  7. Helicopters are loud as hell!! Serious question, how far away do they have to be to not be heard!

  8. Can we give Ukraine a few dozen of these? Ya know, maybe the older ones lying around?

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