USA blockieren britische Genehmigung für Angriff der Ukraine mit Storm-Shadow-Raketen auf Russland – Times

USA blockieren britische Genehmigung für Angriff der Ukraine mit Storm-Shadow-Raketen auf Russland – Times

  1. Shouldn’t be any of the US’s business what the UK does with its missiles but ight.

  2. why can the US tell the UK what to do with their OWN weapons that are made by France and the UK it isnt like these missiles are a US created weapons.

  3. hmm.. I kinda hope the Baltic states consider responding to Belarus’ buildup along the UA border by providing assistance within UA if things escalate with that.

  4. How can we support Ukraine only enough to keep the war grinding on but not enough for Ukraine to inflict damage on Russia?

  5. Makes you wonder what the end goal is. Letting Ukraine fight with one hand behind it’s back and slowly getting grind down because they have a smallee population?

  6. Man, what is the reason here?   Is it that US wants the war to grind on longer so that Russia depletes itself more at the expense of Ukraine? Is it that US is afraid of Russia nukes?  What is it?

  7. From the article “It is understood that while the UK wants to give Ukraine the freedom to use long-range weapons as it sees fit, this requires consensus from allies, including the US, France, and a third unnamed NATO country. A government source emphasised that the UK does not blame the US for the delay, adding that such policy changes take time.”

  8. Such a bad look for the US particularly while still being happy to continue to arm Israel and even after all the civilian, press and humanitarian deaths.

    Ukraine is in a clearly defensive war and the US blocking help from another country and ally really isnt a great look.

  9. I don’t get the us leaders who do this stuff you give them aid say they can’t use it then us citizens complain the aid ain’t helping Ukraine because they took no territory back when the weapons are basically useless if russia puts there weapons where Ukraine isn’t allowed to strike in the end nato is going to have to get involved fully because we held Ukraine back and everyone will look back and say we should have let Ukraine hit russia from the beginning can’t belive this is still a topic 2 years in smh 🙄

  10. Storm Shadow only to destroy their own country, not Russia. Got it, makes perfect sense. /s

  11. I’m surprised that France has let US tech into their cruise missile.

    But this does show why France tends to prefer developing its own capability rather than buying from the US.

  12. DAMN THAT PUTIN-APPEASING TRUMP – er, um… I mean… wise old Biden knows best…

  13. I don’t know what it is about Russia and their invasion – stealing Ukraine’s children, dismembering Ukrainian POWs, and bombing children’s hospitals – that the Biden Administration sees worth protecting. Nor what it is about Ukraine’s fight for survival that they see worth restraining.

    For all the talk of standing up for democracy, and of renewed NATO unity, we’ve stumbled horribly uniting behind a Ukrainian victory. And so it continues, that despite arming Ukraine, the West also continues protecting Russia.

  14. WTF send them and say hello u can not use them. Ha ha use them and blow the shit out of the airports. Then there supply
    And manufacturer anything that pertains to war against us

  15. It’s just like in the USA the rich fox just give you enough money to get by so that you don’t attack them

  16. Escalating? Motherf*ckey Russia is actively attacking a sovereign nation in a blatant land grab. If Russia had the means, they would be throwing their own missiles (which they do). I think people in Washington just want to make money off this. Shameless jerks.

  17. Being a strategic partner reliant on the USA is risky business! Dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t.

  18. The sole point of the UK asking for permission is the fact that the US has threatened Ukraine multiple times with cutting of aid if they do so, therefore the UK is asking for permission publicly to pressure the US.

    France does not care, and neither does the UK, it is just the WH being to scared of Russia, we have to learn to not be scared of them, they back down if we show our selfs as strong and willing.

  19. The point is to drain Russia of everything it has in its military via Ukraine. Besides, plenty of money to be made in a war.

  20. Lol damn. Let these dudes cook! Why is the US saying what Ukraine can do with British weapons?

  21. How sweet. Meanwhile Russia attacks US and allies with as much anti-government propaganda as possible hoping we destroy ourselves.

  22. We must see things from the perspective of America right now. Firstly, there’s about three potential flash points for all out war right now. The war in Gaza, involving Isreal and Iran. Two nuclear capable entities completely at odds with each other right now. Next is Taiwan/China the latter of which is constantly probing neighboring countries. And then Ukraine/Russia. For the US it seems that they want to remain one step below whatever Russia does in order to not escalate that conflict. I.E Russia using tactical nukes could lead to the OK for missile strikes within Russian territory.

  23. This highlights the desperate need for Europe to become vertically integrated with our defence industry. We cannot, and shouldn’t allow America to say where our weapons are allowed because it’s an election year or otherwise.

  24. Pathetic, why is Biden so weak when it comes to stuff like this? FK Russia give Ukraine no limits, literally just gets more Ukrainians killed with these stupid restrictions.

  25. Fuck this bs… I wish UA could just use a different missle … (Their own would be best but taurus would do… Oh well…)

  26. Imagine playing a game of chess where one player is only allowed to play on their side of the board. Imagine how dumb that would be.

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