A surrendering Russian soldier gets a drink airdropped by a Ukrainian drone as he crawls towards UA lines.

No further information about the context of the event. Date and location unknown. As soon as I have more information, I will share it in the comments section.

by GermanDronePilot

  1. Another example of Ukraine treating their enemies humanely. Much better than what the invaders deserve but a good show of good faith regardless

  2. Pretty sure his life flashed before his eyes and his bowels unto his pants when he heard the thunk of that bottle hitting the ground. Send another one with some wipes and a change of pants.

  3. i think… that this… is the correct way or the correct “manner” on how “deal” or “treat” the enemy on a modern conflict.

    (and no, this is not a hippie comment, i understand that you can’t fight an enemy just with good words and wishes, dont worry.)

    and i mean for example; like the ukranian soldiers kinda speaking and treating well all civilians in Kursk.

    it’s like… dudes do not behave like your enemy, please.

  4. As a human I have compassion for others, just in general, so it’s nice to see something like this. Also, I see this video, and the thoughts that go through my head are: holy shit, this guy looks 60 years old. He’s probably a convict. The dirty Russians do NOT take care of their troops. And finally, this shows you who the good guys are.

  5. He thought he was a goner, then realized it wasn’t a grenade. Roller-coaster of emotions I’m sure.

  6. Very good, the more of them surrender, the easier the fight will be, may this video spread and encourage more Russians to surrender

  7. If I was this guy I would make it my mission to find out who was flying that drone and I give him/her a percentage of my wages… for life.

  8. Pavlovs-drone effect had me sitting here waiting for an explosion even though I read the title

  9. I bet if Ukraine offered vodka bounties for surrender, they would get tons of Russians to surrender

  10. Dude was like “immmm soooo fuuuuucked!”. Then, 3 seconds later “glug, glug, glug.” Dude won the grenade lottery that’s for sure.

  11. Poor dude had a moment of doubt there, if it’s gonna be a grenade dropping. Was that a bottle of Coke?

  12. Gonna need some toilet paper as well. After he saw an object dropped from a drone heading straight for him

  13. I take it he was indicating he has no weapons before he continued his crawl? Good on the Ukrainian that loaded that drone with a drink. It shows there’s still humanity in this shit war they never asked for. Slava Ukraini! 💙💛

  14. This makes me happy to see.

    Small and simple things matter.

    Does not have to be big or expensive.

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