Fox’s Brit Hume Lays Out Brutal Reason Trump Is Struggling Against Harris: Most Americans Don’t Like Him

Fox’s Brit Hume Lays Out Brutal Reason Trump Is Struggling Against Harris: Most Americans Don’t Like Him

Fox’s Brit Hume Lays Out BRUTAL Reason Trump Is Struggling Against Harris: Most Americans Don’t Like Him

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. Watch the [video here]( 📺

    As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Fox News chief political analyst Brit Hume said former President Donald Trump could very well win the 2024 election but predicted it would be close because Trump is disliked by a majority of the electorate.

    Hume joined a Fox News Sunday panel following an interview between host Shannon Bream and Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) to discuss the state of the race with fewer than three months until Election Day.

    Bream noted Vance had told her that Republicans had a winning message but she also cited network polling that showed 65 percent of voters are not satisfied with the direction of the country. She asked Hume why Trump was statistically tied with Vice President Kamala Harris despite the fact so many voters are displeased with the state of the country.

    “Because he’s Trump,” Hume said. “When you get down to it, the past eight to TEN years have been about Donald Trump. Everything has been about Donald Trump. I don’t think that the Democrats would have let Joe Biden get as far as he did if it wasn’t – if the party hadn’t been confident that the Republicans were going to nominate Donald Trump again, which the Republicans did.”

    Hume concluded Trump’s issue is he is disliked by more than half of voters.

    Hume said:

    The fact that Biden was doing even as well as he did until the very end, is a testament to the fact that Donald Trump has a very hard, solid base of support, but it never gets above about 40 to 45 percent, maybe a little more at best. So, his weakness is the predicate for our politics going back now three elections.

    He was able to surmount Hillary Clinton, a uniquely unpopular opponent, but he couldn’t beat Biden, and you know you look at the losses in the midterms – or the disappointing results in the midterms. It’s all about one thing, it’s about that. Donald Trump, no matter how enthusiastic supporters are, nonetheless, is not a majority candidate. He might win, but he’s not a majority candidate.

    Bream noted that Trump is routinely advised by many capable people and asked Karl Rove why he the former president is struggling in recent polling despite having an edge on the economy with voters. Rove replied:

    Well, first of all, he does listen to a lot of people, but the first he listens to is the inner voice, and we see it in these rallies, which are a particularly undisciplined form of communications. Look, think about it, two-thirds of the American people think we’re going in the wrong direction.

    He leads on the issue of who’s better on the economy, who’s better on inflation, who’s better on migration. That’s all all good numbers for him. and yet this race today he’s behind and why is he behind? Because he is making this race about things other than the three big issues in this campaign – the economy, inflation, and immigration.

    Rove concluded Trump is “fundamentally undisciplined.”


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  2. No, they despise him. They detest him. He makes them want to puke. He makes them want to throw shit through the TV at the mere sound of his voice. And don’t get me started on that thing under his nose

  3. Hillary Clinton may be the only be person who is less likable than him. Biden would have beat him in 2016.

  4. The fact someone has to say that on Fox News shows you how much they live in a bubble.

  5. Who knew that being a grifting, obnoxious a**hole wouldn’t turn out well for him?

    Well, besides me and 60% of America, that is

  6. Really? No on likes an unhinged insane convicted felon? I’m so shocked. Fuck the polls the are so skewered, no one is following the train wreck accept for the mentally ill.

  7. I mean, the motherfucker has precisely zero redeeming qualities. He’s every single shitty human trait imaginable wrapped up into one grotesque orange slob.

  8. I didn’t agree with Romney or McCain or W, but all of them were still people I would have dinner with if given the chance. They all seem like they would be interesting and that I could learn something from them. I have no interest in sharing a meal with Trump. I can’t see him bringing anything worthwhile to have a conversation about.

  9. Seriously you idiots just figured this out. That’s why your on and entertainment show not true journalist’s.

  10. Paints his face orange and wants to fuck his daughter. Only weirdos like stuff like that.

  11. I have not liked a candidate before. But my god I hate that shit stain. I’d vote for ducking Dick Cheney before trump and he’s a war criminal

  12. Additionally, he’s incompetent and has no legitimate ideas to do anything other than to make rich people richer, and possibly create a huge world crisis by pulling out of NATO.

  13. I still have yet to hear one valid reason to like him. Not one redeeming quality about the man.

    Good person? Nope

    Good Christian? Nope

    Good businessman? Nope

    Ethical? Nope

    Do you remember how many cabinet members he lost in four years? 4 chiefs of staff, 4 press secretaries, and 6 communication directors. It was an absolute chaos of an administration.

    The man literally inherited an empire and ran it bankrupt 6 times.

  14. He doesn’t even try to moderate his assholery. He revels in it and wants us to do the same. But we’re not all as stupid as his base.

  15. In 2016 the electorate chose to elect the class clown. Not everyone saw that he was an *evil* clown. The majority of voters did, but the outmoded rules of the Electoral College handed him the White House. Which he then proceeded to debase for four years. Let’s not let that happen again.

  16. They keep coping with this idea that if he just sticks with economy and immigration he will win, but I think that really underestimates just how much people fucking hate him.

  17. Wow the fox fake news and propaganda network finally told the truth.

    It’s a Christmas Miracle

  18. What’s there to like about him? He has no personality whatsoever and doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing. He thinks he knows everything, and he’s the best at everything he does. He cares about no one but himself. He lies, he cheats, and he is obsessed with crowd size. The day I never have to hear him or another word about him can’t come soon enough. I wish he would just go away.

  19. “Asshole, racist, rapist, pedophile, and generally unlikeable guy Donald Trump is disliked by most people.” Will wonders never cease?

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