Kamala’s Answer to “How will you pay for your economic plan?”

Kamala’s Answer to “How will you pay for your economic plan?”


by Howtobe_normal

  1. Good answrr. A person is smart. He/she/they will get it.

    But people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and they won’t.

  2. I think she answered the question Damn well. I was expecting it to be bad and I agree with her.

  3. Yes I agree with return on investment… but the question was how will you pay for it *initially*

  4. The reporter acts as if additional spending must be met with tax hikes or spending cuts elsewhere, which is obviously not true. It will all be paid for the same way everything the government does is paid for: taxes and debt.
    I wonder, if she wanted to increase spending on fighter jets, would the reporter be asking how it would be paid for?

  5. Exactly the amount of people who don’t understand the multiplier effect in this sub are astounding.

  6. Truly this is the one thing she has to figure out before her first debate. She absolutely flails with ad-hoc questions. She just gets lost and can’t assert them.

  7. It pays for itself. It might and it’s possible but that return on investment will take decades. All those people will need to be taxed to pay that back. She provided no information on how she will pay for those programs up front. You can’t just turn on the printing machine and start printing money. Inflation will go up even faster, prices will rise and what’s her plan for that? Oh right price limits to stop price gouging.

    This isn’t going to work. I don’t think people are getting it. If she somehow gets elected the next 4 or 8 years are going to be a mess. What comes after that is going to be a struggle. This country could end up severe economic recession or depression if Kamala Harris wins and does everything she is spewing currently.

  8. For the umpteenth time, for all the morons, including the vice president, grok it –


    A currency issuer has no need to “pay for” anything it does, it does not depend on revenue like a household.

    Take note, no one ever ask the “pay for” question about giant fucking bombs for ongoing ethnic cleansing by a client state, only about looking after children or making sure people get healthcare

    Makes you think

  9. she’s just not that bright.. first it’s a tax credit not refund.. second, can someone tell me where I can invest $6K and have a tremendous return on that investment? I’ve been looking for tremendous returns my entire life..

  10. So don’t tax a family as much with kids and that turns into (on average) a higher income kid who pays more in taxes, if I’m understanding her properly.

  11. One of the biggest misconceptions of policy is that government budget is the same as a household budget. That is, spending must be matched to revenue. That is 100% not accurate nor a goal of fiscal policy.

  12. Answered like a true politician by responding and repeating what others have said before her.

  13. We have to first get to the root cause and then. And only then, will we be unburdened but what once was.

  14. Legit question, as I do not endorse either republican or democratic nominee, why is Robert Kennedy not considered a legit candidate? He seems to be somewhere in the middle, like a right leaning Bernie. Doesn’t seemed to be owned by anyone, isn’t so old he can’t relate to 25-45yos, etc.

  15. In this thread: people saying we can pay for things with debt (deficit) and it’s no big deal

    Elsewhere on reddit: incoherent shrieking over the debt under Trump, mostly due to COVID, and not as extreme as the Democrats wanted.

    Interesting how that happens

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