[OC] A Pixel For Every 10,000 People in Europe

[OC] A Pixel For Every 10,000 People in Europe


by _naspli

  1. The above image comes from version 2 of my binary population plotting algorithm, ‘Poppyn’. Here is my post today in r/dataisbeautiful of the whole world: [“A Pixel For Every 50,000 People in the World”](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1evjgxu/a_pixel_for_every_50000_people_in_the_world/).

    Other super-high res sub-sections of the world -:

    * [Europe](https://github.com/naspli/poppyn/blob/master/data/output/poppyn_Europe_4000_10000.v2.png?raw=true)
    * [US](https://github.com/naspli/poppyn/blob/master/data/output/poppyn_US_3500_10000.v2.png?raw=true)
    * [India](https://github.com/naspli/poppyn/blob/master/data/output/poppyn_India_2000_10000.v2.png?raw=true)
    * [Far East](https://github.com/naspli/poppyn/blob/master/data/output/poppyn_FarEast_3000_10000.v2.png?raw=true)

    The raw data comes from [WorldPop](https://www.worldpop.org), the code can be found at my [GitHub](https://github.com/naspli/poppyn/tree/master), and my original blog post about this project can be found on [Medium](https://medium.com/@naspli/making-spatial-population-data-easier-to-comprehend-053e6035c000).

    Please note there is an issue with the raw data from the South-East of Romania and it has been excluded.

  2. Really shows the density of the benelux, uk, and middle eastern coast nicely. And the sheer size of istanbul. Really nice map.

  3. It’s impressive how when you remove the borders some countries are easy to spot and some just feel like they never were there (london is very easy to notice but Germany is almost unnoticeable for instance)

  4. Blue banana out in force here. Particularly the Northern half, England and the Benelux are very very dense

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