‘They are planning this!’ Alex Jones melts down while claiming Dems will ‘put us in camps’

‘They are planning this!’ Alex Jones melts down while claiming Dems will ‘put us in camps’


Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. A month ago they were all planning their positions in the project 2025 cabinet.

    Now theyre just doing Stop the Steal part 2.

    cant wait for Mike Lindell to have his Prove Mike Stupid contest. you win a hit off Mike’s crackpipe and a new roommate who cant pay their half. (its Mike.)


  2. “There are places in Asia where, when you get off the plane, folks, they karate chop you!” – Alex Jones

  3. You could do really well by going into a fat camp. 
    Or one for narcissist alcoholics. 
    Or for the shenanigans you’ve pulled jail would be appropriate. 
    And I think what he’s done is far more than shenanigans.

  4. Re-education camps I hope. Make them listen to classical music, jazz and read the top 100 books on Project Guttenberg.

  5. Mr Jones, please stop talking and go away and don’t come back again until we specifically tell you. Thank you.

  6. Wait, I thought it was Trump who will use the Insurrection act to place the US military on the streets of US cities and open internment camps across the US.

  7. He’s been saying this shit for going on 30 years. The “they” changes slightly depending on who is in the White House and which way the political winds are blowing. He’s still a huge piece of shit and should be in prison.

  8. This guy can go fuck himself. He lied about children’s deaths. He should die penniless screaming at the sky at how shitty his life has become.

  9. Alex Jones has said, people need to be in camps previously so what’s he pissed about?

  10. Oh yay, the FEMA camp conspiracies are being revived. Fun.
    Are “they” putting sticker dots in people’s mailboxes again to mark those who are going to camps?

  11. Alex’s projection is showing again. I’ve never heard anyone of the left talk about camps. I have spent hours listening to Christian nationalist relatives yap on about Obama’s FEMA death camps. Remember those? Me either. Because it was all far right FUD

  12. Maybe he should not have threatened military tribunals for his adversaries.

    Alex Jones is gaslighting himself.

  13. The right seems to do this to make space for their heinous immoral plans to actually put “millions” in camps.
    Also, Alex is a wh*re who would die without media attention

  14. All traitors and liers go to prison the rest will be free and will learn the truth. You and the GOP are godless lying scumbags.

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