Putin is moody and misfiring — and his regime is getting worried

Putin is moody and misfiring — and his regime is getting worried


by newzee1

  1. Im shocked. After 2.5+ years of a special operation in Ukraine; in which Russia is single handedly creating not only a genocide amongst its own population, but also that of a peaceful neighbor, his regime is just getting worried?

    I can barely contain my shock at their shock.

  2. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – South China Morning Post (C+): [Russia reluctant to admit ‘the enemy is at the gate’, treats incursion as natural disaster](https://www.scmp.com/news/world/russia-central-asia/article/3274918/russia-reluctant-admit-enemy-gate-treats-incursion-natural-disaster)
    – PAZ – Peiner Allgemeine Zeitung (C): [Vladimir Putin weaker than ever: Embarrassed on five points](https://www.rnd.de/politik/wladimir-putin-schwach-wie-nie-in-fuenf-punkten-blamiert-RVWZV725PRGS3IELEHWMIRZA2E.html)
    – szlz.de (C): [Vladimir Putin weaker than ever: embarrassed on five points](https://www.szlz.de/politik/wladimir-putin-schwach-wie-nie-in-fuenf-punkten-blamiert-RVWZV725PRGS3IELEHWMIRZA2E.html)
    – Täglicher Anzeiger Holzminden (C): [Vladimir Putin weaker than ever: Embarrassed in five ways](https://www.tah.de/politik/wladimir-putin-schwach-wie-nie-in-fuenf-punkten-blamiert-RVWZV725PRGS3IELEHWMIRZA2E.html)

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  3. “The war situation has developed not necessarily to Russia’s advantage” — Emperor Putihito

  4. ya mean the guy who didn’t foresee a hundred other adverse effects, also didn’t foresee this?

  5. If I had a dollar every time I heard of Putin’s imminent downfall, I’d be wealthy.  The man is a cockroach with iron-fisted control of his country.  He also has no moral qualms about throwing his citizenry into the meat grinder for years to come. The only way to stop him is a commitment from the west to obliterate his armies in Ukraine.  Write your Senator, Congressperson and President and tell them to stop dicking around and give Ukraine the weaponry and operational permissions to stomp this c***sucking cockroach into the dustbin of history. 

  6. He assigned his niece to deputy of defense lol. I’m sure she will bring a breadth of experience to the Russian military.

  7. putin is an idiot who doesn’t know how to admit he made a mistake. he keeps doubling down as he slowly gets boiled like a frog.

  8. I would suggest to Putin that he just publicly declare that he has eliminated all the so-called “nazis” in Ukraine… then publicly declare Russia the winner and LEAVE. There might be a small chance he could save his ass, I wouldn’t count on it, I think his own people will eventually smoke his ass in the end.

  9. Putin has been moody and misfiring for 24 years, minimum.

    Is the press finally realizing this maybe?

  10. The only thing I’m certain of is Putin hasn’t had a good night’s sleep after all this shit started.

    You know how you are laying in bed, and a random memory comes to you about that time you fucked up huge time and made a fool of yourself. How you worry that people still remember what you did twenty or thirty years down the road?

    Well Putin knows he will be remembered as an absolute idiot for turning a super power into a joke for being taken down by a basically dysfunctional country. Ukraine was a mess with corruption before the invasion along with political instabilty. Putin united Ukraine like no one else could and destroyed his own.

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