At least I hope not..

At least I hope not..

Posted by dogsdawgs

  1. As someone who is currently trapped in Ohio, they are ‘par for the course’. *blinks twice*

  2. Probably because voters in Ohio are too lazy to show up at election time to take out the trash.

  3. Maybe Ohio is the bartender that always says “you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here” at bar close.

  4. Yes, now that you mentioned it, these guys are definitely second rate. Liked other politicians from there but not the last few elections

  5. Those guys make women cover their drinks. So creepy. And Sherrod Brown rocks btw. We can get better.

  6. How many good people turned in their MOF when fat mouth, lunatic, conspiracy nut Jordan got his.

  7. Can you imagine how much damage to Ohio’s reputation these shitclowns are doing?

  8. At least Ohio has Sherrod Brown. I’m stuck in Florida with DeSantis, Scott, Rubio, Gaetz, Donalds, Luna etc.

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