NASAs Webb-Teleskop findet Hinweise auf eine Ozeanwelt um Uranus

NASAs Webb-Teleskop findet Hinweise auf eine Ozeanwelt um Uranus

  1. This is a very strangely written title. They mean one of Uranus’s moons, Ariel, may have a liquid ocean beneath its surface.

  2. Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you’re doing is worth it?

  3. >

    This is pleasant news to me, that they choose a planet to concentrate observational efforts on for a whole decade. I’m guessing that last decade was Saturn’s? I hope Venus gets its due at some point.

    P.S. I hope a whole decade of Uranus related news will dim down the joke factor of the planet’s name.

  4. Can you IMAGINE Earth rotating on its side like Uranus. One day would be the extremes of the South Pole , the heat of the equator, then the cold of the North Pole !!

  5. Robin Williams had a joke like this, about sweat running down the crack of your ass like Niagra… It’s so hot you have an ocean world around uranus!

  6. Yah sorry about that. Been drinking massive amounts of water for this weird colon cleanse

  7. In this fucking heat you’re god damn right there’s an ocean world around my anus.

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