Donald Trump faces being BANNED from a major Texas city after ignoring a letter demanding he settle a huge debt

Donald Trump faces being BANNED from a major Texas city after ignoring a letter demanding he settle a huge debt

Posted by questison

  1. Spoiler: Don’t be surprised if he tells you to fuck off. Sue him before Nov. 2 or he will be bankrupt.

  2. A town in Texas banning their main man Donald? Fat chance of that ever happening.

  3. Finally!!! Collect on his ass!!! He makes money out of stupid people you know they will pay his bills

  4. Good on El Paso. We can all be rest assure LT Dan will get his panties all in a wad and force El Paso into doing his bidding.

  5. You can always get a collection agency to call his supporters seeking payment. That will cut out Trump as the middle man scraping off his percentage.

  6. Fuckin rich people can’t afford to pay their bills. Most of them don’t really have any money… only debt and credit.

  7. It’s upsetting how people truly believe he is an honest man and a good person.

  8. He doesn’t care… he feels the taxpayers should be honored to pay his bills. And the fucked up thing is his supporters in these cites don’t mind paying his bills, while screaming about single mothers getting food assistance

  9. Let’s hope those swing states plaster this all over the news and they all turn blue. Texas is welcome to join as well.

  10. I’d like to see every airport & municipality that he owes money to take him to court immediately

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