‘I’ve had to become my own doctor’: trans young people on life after the Cass review • With puberty blockers now banned in much of the UK, those hoping for gender treatment say they have been forced into difficult decisions

‘I’ve had to become my own doctor’: trans young people on life after the Cass review • With puberty blockers now banned in much of the UK, those hoping for gender treatment say they have been forced into difficult decisions


Posted by Naurgul

  1. Trans kids***** If you are under 18 you are a child according to law and changing the wording to say ‘young people’ is honestly kind of disgusting in the same way as if a someone described themselves as attracted to ‘young people’ when they meant a 15 year old

  2. “Doctor was confident Hannah understood what was happening and had the capacity to consent”. Now imagine we replace it with the backdrop of being sex and we’d charge someone with sexual activity with a child.

    Children can consent, but they are too stupid to understand the implications of consent. This isn’t up for debate.

  3. Given the context of lack of evidence, this is like taking ivermectin against covid and saying that you had to become your own doctor. 

    If what you do is dismiss the state of research and do things anyway, calling that being a doctor is just a cope.

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