Why aren’t millennials having kids?

Why aren’t millennials having kids?


by xena_lawless

  1. Economics really. We are talking about the bulk of the Middle Class which plans out their future economically. This does not apply to the very poor who wake up in a new world everyday, and never plan out their future, nor use birth control because birth control emplies planning your future.

  2. We live in an exploitive economic system on a dying planet… why is anyone having kids? Just seems needlessly cruel.

  3. Hear hear.

    In addition to her point on forcing birth, there’s an impoverishment aspect that’s subliminally integrated into the policy, whereby making the mothers destitute, helps ensure the children grow up vulnerable and under educated.

    This results in a large number of “blank slate” children, at the very bottom of the social pyramid, ripe for grooming as “voting chattel”, in addition to monetizing through imprisonment and being susceptible to predatory business.

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