China: Philippinisches Schiff im Südchinesischen Meer „vorsätzlich mit chinesischem Schiff kollidiert“

China: Philippinisches Schiff im Südchinesischen Meer „vorsätzlich mit chinesischem Schiff kollidiert“

  1. You know it’s bullshit because China’s stealing from, illegally occupying the Philippines waters, and openly attacking and sinking Filipino fishing vessels. They are terrorizing all of their neighbors in the South China Sea that international courts have already ruled do not belong to China. Bunch of thugs, thieves, and liars.

  2. Yeah… f’ you, China. Isn’t there some intellectual property you need to steal and copy?

  3. >Philippine vessel then entered waters near Second Thomas Shoal after being **prevented** from entering Sabina Shoal waters.

    Hmm, me thinks someone is fibbing. From this tidbit, it sounds like the Chinese vessel cut off the Philippine ships, and was hit.

  4. China being collided into is still China’s fault 

     They’re way out of their waters and out of their minds 

  5. Completely expected statement from Chinese from all these aggression in the south sea. So now, who is going to be influenced by China’s statement for free?

  6. Dear China,

    Your law does not apply to international waters or the waters of other nations. Your laws stop 12 miles away from your coast. Stick to oppressing your own people.

    The World.

  7. ” you see your honour… i was just standing peacefully peeling my orange with a knife when out of a sudden the victim jumped out and landed on my knife…14 times..”

  8. So like Russia, if China’s whining about a deliberate ramming that’s them just announcing exactly what they did. Maybe if they didn’t ruin their international reputation people would actually take their complaints seriously but it’s impossible to respect a country that lies and attacks others as much as China.

  9. Despite all the shrieking here, the video evidence is pretty clear.

    The Filipino vessel did turn and intentionally hit the Chinese ship.

  10. How dare you hit me as I try to cut you off. I guess the Chinese can be a menace on the road and sea. 🤣

  11. You can’t go around break-checking people and then complain when they hit you.

    Grow up China – quit being a dick.

  12. With China and Russia, you can always tell what they did based upon what they accused others of doing.

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