Russian channels report that Ukrainian forces destroyed the third and final pre-war bridge over the Seym River at Karyzh, Kursk Oblast. Russian forces south of the river now only have one pontoon bridge left.


by Hotrico

  1. I would like to thank everyone who donated to any initiatives that help the Ukrainian army in any area, part of this success is also due to your help, you have my respect and admiration. You are making history.

  2. This means easier to guard land once Ukraine takes it over, right? Excellent.

    Although I doubt there are troops down there – hopefully some nice equipment.

  3. And we all remember how the Russian pontoon bridge crossings work out…well, except probably the Russians…

  4. Should be a nice chunk of land for the new liberated People’s Republic of Kursk

  5. Really hope and pray they know what they’re doing. And it actually works for them. Now wait for the pontoon to be full, and send papa mars

  6. Don’t forget to blow up the bridge @ Rylsk on E38 Highway to shut down the #1 Major highway to Kursk City and supplies to occupied Ukraine!

    Do it!

  7. It feels like just yesterday “Nuclear Forces are on High Alert and Ready to Respond to Any Enemy Retaliation on Russian soil!”

    *Well that was a fuckin’ lie.*

  8. If im not mistaken, that pontoon crossing was already eliminates before the 3rd bridge was taken out

  9. Safe to say the remaining lifespan of that last remaining pontoon bridge is likely counted in hours

  10. Ukraine is in the soft underbelly. And it looks like Russia had no real contingency plan to deal with an attack into Russia.
    Or, more likely they used up their reserve troops to feed the meat grinder for the past two years, and are just standing around going “Errr…”.

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