Losses of the Russian military to 19.8.2024

Losses of the Russian military to 19.8.2024


  1. How many more Russians need to be crippled or die before this ends? A million? Every milestone is bittersweet because it seems like this nightmare won’t end.

  2. 600 000 vatniks liquidated, yet another black mark for the historical record of russian leadership. Slava Ukraini!

  3. Damn, never imagined we hit the 600K milestone so soon. Welp, 400k more for the big 1 Mil.

    Edit: Thanks for the correction. It’s been a long day.

  4. RIGHT on time, as **scheduled**. (600K, that is.)

    Slava Ukraini! Russians, you should get rid of your dictator, he’s bad for your health.

  5. The United States, in the entirety of World War Two, across all fronts, lost approximately 419,000 soldiers. The US obviously did not pay the highest price in the war among all combatants, and certainly not as a portion of its population. But this means that Russia has already lost a portion of its population far greater than what the US lost in the Second World War.

  6. And ladies and gentlemen, we’ve crossed 600,000 personnel losses.

    Next up: 3,000 special equipment losses.

    Coming soon to a global theater near you.

  7. 600k!! That’s 600k less Russians that can murder or rape some civilians! 🎉

  8. Oooo, there it is

    Oooo, there it is

    Oooo, there it is

    600k eliminated Russians.

    Героям слава!

    Слава Україні!

    This is the way!

  9. 600.000 is such an incredible number. It’s 600 times the village my grandmother lived in, 60 times the town I was born.

    600.000 people are roughly the inhabitants of
    Kissimmee (Florida) or New Haven (Connecticut)
    Aracaju (Brasil)
    Dortmund (Germany)
    Gothenburg (Sweden)
    Vilnius (Lithuania)
    Riga (Latvia)
    Palermo (Italy)
    Glasgow (Scotland)
    Liverpool (England)
    Abeokuta (Nigeria)
    Benoni (South Africa)
    Djibouti (Djibouti)
    Kryvyi Rih (Ukraine)

    Vladivostok or Irkutsk (Russia)
    So many destroyed lives. What for?

    But, let’s not forget about the Ukrainian people. Killed and wounded soldiers and civilians, tortured POWs, raped woman and children, abducted children and their parents.
    People who lost relatives, friends or their homes.

  10. What’s the tank situation like now after 8500 losses? I haven’t seen much posted from either side in terms of tank battles anymore, so I assume they’re minimally effective now.

  11. I recently watched a video by Covert Cabal on the estimated mobile artillery the orcs might have left, and the stocks were down 40% from 2021 to June, 2024. Most of the destroyed artillery is going to be towed artillery or older tanks that are used for artillery purposes. It was estimated that they had a little over 2500 mobile artillery left by June, 2024, compared to a little over 4300 before the war. Keep in mind thast a lot of the stock that’s left is very old and probably rather ineffective.

  12. 👍👍🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🔥🔥 keep going Ukraine The war has not stopped.
    Soon you’ll get to the snakes head, then cut that son of a bitch off..

  13. Hard to hide hundreds of thousands of visible wounded from the populace even with Putin’s shell game.

  14. It looks like the Russians are losing their tanks, but they’re gaining ground on the number of “special equipment” – maybe they’re finally getting those jetpacks!

  15. Happy 600K wounded and dead to Putin and his three day special military operation. He dreamt of being the Tsar of a New Russian Empire, and instead his dreams are disintegrating in the fields of Ukraine. No matter how many more Russian men and women will die, Kyiv will never fall to these genocidal maniacs. Slava Ukraini, and glory to the heroes forever 🇺🇦

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