Fire at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant as Ukrainian troops advance into Russia

Fire at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant as Ukrainian troops advance into Russia

Dark smoke plumes pour into the sky meters above a cooling tower at a Russia-occupied nuclear plant on Sunday 11 August.

A Russian governor claimed the fire began with Ukrainian shelling while Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky said Vladimir Putin’s forces had caused the fire.

The UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) nuclear watchdog said experts “witnessed thick dark smoke” after hearing multiple explosions throughout the evening.

It comes as the Russian defence ministry said Ukrainian troops had advanced as much as 19 miles into Russia’s Kursk region in an audacious cross-border attack that began a week ago.

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  1. I worked at nuclear power plants for years..The only thing those towers are made out of are concrete ad steel. there's nothing in there that can burn. Unless you put something in there and set it on fire. Judging from the thick black smoke. looks like Rubber. Like old tires. Don:t be fooled RUSSIA did this.

  2. Global Awareness drive believe harmful Nuclear radiation will badly affect the children and senior citizens. Global Awareness drive Condemn such Nuclear plant in Ukraine. Join our Campaign .

  3. Zelensky has been warned before by the USA to stop attacking the Russian occupied plant.

    Looks like Zelensky is going rogue again. Believing currently occupying 0.03% of Russia gives him the right to try and cause a disaster again.

  4. As said, it is a cooling tower – nothing to burn there. If anything, the condensing water would be more inclined to prevent a fire. As others have said, probably a pile of tyres being burned for propaganda purposes!

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