Disillusioned separatist commander Khodakovsky urges Kremlin to end ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine

Disillusioned separatist commander Khodakovsky urges Kremlin to end ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine


by gatojump

  1. For context, Khodakovsky has been at war against Ukraine since 2014 (so I’m not sure why the article says ‘after two and a half years of war’), and a couple of years ago, said that Russia would have to raze one city down to the ground after another, like they did in Mariupol. Interesting change of tone.

    > I’ll say something heretical: not losing what we have now is more important than reclaiming the ‘foreign’ that may not even want to be reclaimed,” Khodakovsky stated.

    Russians are starting to understand that failed attempts to terrorize millions into submission will not be the win they thought they it would be. They’re starting to get it that Ukrainians are not submissive Russians, who will roll over, and say, ‘yes, master’ to a dictator’s whims.

    And of course, as Ukraine is having more success on the ground, the West decides to pull back aid, indicating that they really don’t want Ukraine to win, but have a delusion that they can achieve some sort of stalemate, and a negotiated peace at Ukraine’s expense, and have another ‘reset’ with Putler.

  2. IMO

    West is only concerned that nukes in Russia are secured. They are not concerned about it being used by Putin, but concerned about the security of the nukes if Russia disintegrated.

    Everyone remembers how the west “assurances” to Ukraine (who surrendered their nukes based on such assurances) responded in 2014.

    So, no new party with nukes will willingly give them up now.

    So…it doesn’t matter if Ukraine never win or Russia never lose…so long as the nukes are secured.

  3. Is this the leader of the 300 militia that called for Putin to be deposed, or a new person?

  4. Ooo.. Publicly voicing dissent. poo-tin isn’t going to like that. I have a feeling an open 6th-floor window is going to find this guy in the near future even if he hides in the basement. 🙂

  5. Fucking sucks that it took three years of savage war, killing of tens of thousands of their brothers and sisters and displacement of millions, naive carrying of blood-tainted water for a degenerate country that couldn’t care less about them, and the total destruction of a whole swath of their own mother nation, for them to realize they already were part of the better country.

    Not to mention it’s entirely self-serving. They were fine with their choice just weeks ago. But now that there is the slightest evidence that the tides might turn, here they are groveling for peace.

    Unprincipled cowards.

    Re-unification and re-population will be a nightmare.

  6. Probably a significant amount of military age males that were pro DPR and LPR are dead or disabled now. Putin never cared about you and still does not. This guy going to end up sharing a cell with Girkin

  7. > He concluded that by deciding to go to war against Ukraine, Russia had false data about the strength of the opponent and their readiness to resist aggression.

    Interesting, there were other similar claims, it sounds like a new narrative. “We were given false data”. Preparing the opinion for a withdrawal?

    This was not fake data btw, they knew they were going to war against an opponent with NATO support and burned down 500 000 young lives in this furnace.

  8. Wow a living DPR commander from 2014, those are an endangered species at this point.

  9. Most likely hoping that assistance to Ukraine will end while Russia could go back to supporting them with arms and manpower the way they did before the SMO. But deep down he must be considering Putin is close to losing control in Russia and that whoever takes over might end all support just to normalize relations with the west.

  10. When you realize you fell for the russian propaganda and got used like a tool.

    He basically says “I fucked up choosing russia”.

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